Pharmacy Class of 83' - 40th Reunion

The Pharmacy class of 83' celebrated thier 40th reunion with a tour of the USask Campus

Saskatoon, June 2023 — The Pharmacy Class of 1983 recently celebrated their 40th reunion, organized by Lisa Ruston and Hugh Sutherland. The event was marked by nostalgia, camaraderie, and a renewed commitment to supporting future pharmacy students.

The reunion kicked off with a meeting with Dean Alcorn and a tour of the new College of Pharmacy and Nutrition facility. Classmates were impressed with the advancements and enjoyed the tour.

In addition to the campus tour, the group enjoyed social activities, including a dinner at Winston’s Pub, a river cruise, and a dinner at the Bessborough Hotel. The highlight of the reunion was the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and reminisce about their days at the College of Pharmacy.

Lisa Ruston shared, “We had a farewell brunch on Sunday and made an agreement to do it again in five years!” 

During the tour of the new College, the class learned of the skyrocketing tuition costs for Pharmacy Students. This led to the creation of the "Class of '83 Spirit Award," an annual award recognizing a final-year pharmacy student who demonstrates exceptional support to the College, the University, and the community. 

"Our Class started in the fall of 1979 with graduation in spring of 1983.  While we were the largest class "to date" in the College, it was our collective spirit which caught the attention of the faculty and of the other classes who both preceded and followed us. We enjoyed our community internship assignments, we actively planned and attended every social activity allowed on the calendar and we included the faculty with "most" (not all!) of our social events.  And then we studied, and we studied hard with good results at both the individual and at the class level."

The Class of '83 wishes to recognize a student of each future graduating class who embodies the Spirit of contributing to their Class, to their College, to their University and to their Community while at the same time driving professional excellence in their studies and pharmacy practice.  We believe this profile will serve their future community, their professional networks and their patients at the highest level.