College of Pharmacy and Nutrition

College Staff

College Staff

Picture of  Julia  Bareham

Julia Bareham
Information Support Pharmacist (RxFiles)

Picture of  Kirsten Bazylak

Kirsten Bazylak
Associate Director, Experiential Learning

Picture of  Jason Belhumeur

Jason Belhumeur
Communications and Alumni Relations Specialist Pharmacy and Nutrition

Picture of  Carmen Bell

Carmen Bell
Medication Information Consultant (medSask)

Picture of  Racquel Biem

Racquel Biem
Education Specialist, USask Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE)

Picture of  Kerrie Bjarnarson

Kerrie Bjarnarson BSP
Medication Information Consultant (medSask)

Picture of  Alesha Bloor

Alesha Bloor
Program Consultant (Competency Assurance), USask Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE)

Picture of  Kelsey Boechler

Kelsey Boechler BSP
Medication Information Consultant (medSask)

Picture of  Madison Bomboir

Madison Bomboir BSP
Medication Information Consultant (medSask)

Picture of  Jena Boyko

Jena Boyko

Picture of  Louisa Chan

Louisa Chan
Program Consultant, USask Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE)

Picture of  Sarah Crawford

Sarah Crawford
Sessional Lecturer

Picture of  Alex Crawley

Alex Crawley
Associate Director, RxFiles

Picture of  Kris  Dancey

Kris Dancey
Advancement Officer

Picture of  Anwyn Diakuw

Anwyn Diakuw
Communication Specialist, USask Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) and medSask

Picture of  Arlene Dies

Arlene Dies
Experiential Learning Coordinator (on leave)

Picture of  Simone Downer

Simone Downer
College and Graduate Programs Assistant

Picture of Diane Favreau

Diane Favreau
Administrative Officer, Undergraduate Affairs

Picture of  Mary Fraser

Mary Fraser
Program Manager, USask Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE)

Picture of  Chantal Issel

Chantal Issel
Nutrition Practice Coordinator

Picture of  Kelly Kizlyk

Kelly Kizlyk
Medication Information Consultant, medSask

Picture of  Jess Knoop

Jess Knoop
Undergraduate Academic Advisor

Picture of Sandy  Knowles

Sandy Knowles
Executive Assistant to the Dean

Currently On Leave

Picture of  Lynette Kosar

Lynette Kosar
Clinical Assistant Professor; Information Support Pharmacist (RxFiles)

Picture of  Brittainy Laing Swan

Brittainy Laing Swan
Pharmacy Skills Coordinator

Picture of Eric Landry

Eric Landry
Coordinator, Medication Assessment Centre (MAC), Information Support Pharmacist (RxFiles)

Picture of  Danielle Larocque

Danielle Larocque
Director, USask Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) and medSask

Picture of  Marlys LeBras

Marlys LeBras
Information Support Pharmacist (RxFiles)

Picture of Poppy Lowe

Poppy Lowe
Nutrition Professional Skills Coordinator

Picture of Donna Michasiw

Donna Michasiw
Pharmacy Skills Coordinator

Picture of Deborah Michel

Deborah Michel
Research Manager

Picture of  Olivia Moyse Statham

Olivia Moyse Statham
Program Administrator, USask Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) and medSask

Picture of  Janice Norfield

Janice Norfield
Medication Information Consultant, medSask

Picture of  Blake Novecosky

Blake Novecosky
College IT Manager

Picture of  Taylor Raiche

Taylor Raiche
Experiential Learning Assessment and Program Development Specialist

Picture of  Colette  Regier

Colette Regier
Administrative Assistant (RxFIles)

Picture of  Dorothy Sanderson

Dorothy Sanderson
Medication Information Consultant, medSask

Picture of  Sara Sawin

Sara Sawin
Medication Information Consultant, medSask

Picture of  Erin Smith-Windsor

Erin Smith-Windsor
Graduate Programs Administrator (on leave)

Picture of  Sara Storle

Sara Storle
Medication Information Consultant, medSask

Picture of Andrea Tang

Andrea Tang BSP, PharmD, ACPR
Assistant Professor

Picture of  Taisa Trischuk

Taisa Trischuk
Information Support Pharmacist (RxFiles)

Picture of  Kristen Vandenameele

Kristen Vandenameele
Nutrition Professional Practice Coordinator

Picture of  Amy Wiebe

Amy Wiebe
Pharmacist (MAC) / Information Support Pharmacist (RxFiles)

Picture of  Erin Wrubleski

Erin Wrubleski B.Comm.
Administrative Assistant

Picture of  Lily Xu

Lily Xu BSP
Experiential Learning Coordinator Pharmacy