Admissions Requirements

The admission requirements are listed on the College website. Students applying to the Doctor of Pharmacy or Bachelor of Science in Nutrition programs must acknowledge that they have read and understood the Essential Skills and Attributes Required for the Study of Pharmacy at the University of Saskatchewan or the Essential Skills and Attributes Required for the Study of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Saskatchewan

Students who wish to take an equivalent course through another institution for credit towards the Doctor of Pharmacy or Bachelor of Science in Nutrition program must submit their request through the Associate Dean Academic or designate. The course(s) must be completed by April 30 in the year of the student's program (i.e., a required course offered in year 2 must be completed by April 30).


Students are expected to attend all mandatory course components, laboratory sessions, and scheduled examinations, and complete course assignments by the deadlines specified. Mandatory course components should be specified by the instructor in the course syllabus. 

If due to illness, or other legitimate reason, a student is unable to attend a mandatory course component, laboratory/examination or submit a course assignment by the stated deadline, the student must notify the instructor prior to, or within 48 hours after, the event or deadline. A Student Declaration of Absence form must be completed. Medical or supporting documentation is not required, unless a final or “module” exam has been missed. 

If a student does not contact the instructor regarding a missed mandatory course component, laboratory, exam, or assignment, they may receive a mark of 0 (zero) for that component; in the case of a late assignment there may be a different penalty assessed. In cases where a mandatory course component is missed and the instructor is not informed by the student, the instructor should complete the Student Declaration of Absence form and Informal Discussion Form (see College of Pharmacy and Nutrition Procedures for Concerns with Pharmacy and Nutrition Student Professional Behaviour). Both forms should be submitted to the Associate Dean Academic for review and will be placed in the student’s file. The instructor may also wish to keep supplementary notes of their own regarding the matter.

If possible, the instructor may assign or provide an alternative activity for a missed mandatory component. In the case of missed laboratory sessions, the marks assigned for the missed laboratory may be reassigned to the overall laboratory course mark or an alternate laboratory-related assignment may be required. In the case of midterm examinations, a makeup examination will not be provided unless it is a “module” exam (i.e., the final exam is not a comprehensive exam and material from the module will not otherwise be assessed). The marks assigned for the missed midterm examination will be reassigned to the final examination or other course components as determined by the instructor. All alternative arrangements, including reallocation of marks must be documented by the instructor on the Student Declaration of Absence form.

All Student Declaration of Absence forms will be kept in the student's record. Repeated absences or failure to notify the instructor may be recorded as a failing grade with a grade of 49% and "INF" (Incomplete - failure) on the grade report for the course, regardless of if the overall course mark was >50%. 

When a Student Declaration of Absence is received from a student the instructor indicates their decision and submits the form to the Associate Dean Academic office for review and placement in the student’s record. The Associate Dean Academic will take action as they feel is appropriate (such as discussing the case further with instructors, contacting the student, referral to student services for assistance).

There may be cases where a student is hesitant to indicate details of the reason for the request. In such cases, the student should indicate “serious personal difficulties” or “serious health difficulties” on the form that goes into the student’s file. On a separate form or letter, the student will provide details of the difficulties, and this would be placed in a confidential file in the office where access would be limited to the Dean and the Associate Dean Academic.

The above process will help alert instructors to potential patterns of concern and hopefully identify students who may require an intervention or assistance. The information contained on the forms is also very important should there be a subsequent faculty action and appeal of same by the student.

Communicating Academic Policies

The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition will communicate the Academic Policies to faculty, staff, and students by ensuring that up-to-date versions of the policies are available on the College website. Furthermore, the College shall communicate these policies to Pharmacy and Nutrition students as part of their first-year orientation as well as updates to policies in September each year they are in the program.

Ethics and Professionalism


Students are expected to attend all mandatory course components, laboratory sessions, and scheduled examinations, and complete course assignments by the deadlines specified. Mandatory course components should be specified by the instructor in the course syllabus.

If due to illness, or other legitimate reason, a student is unable to attend a mandatory course component, laboratory/examination or submit a course assignment by the stated deadline, the student must notify the instructor prior to, or within 48 hours after, the event or deadline. A Student Declaration of Absence form must be completed. Medical or supporting documentation is not required, unless a final or “module” exam has been missed.

If a student does not contact the instructor regarding a missed mandatory course component, laboratory, exam, or assignment, they may receive a mark of 0 (zero) for that component; in the case of a late assignment there may be a different penalty assessed. In cases where a mandatory course component is missed and the instructor is not informed by the student, the instructor should complete the Student Declaration of Absence form and Informal Discussion Form (see College of Pharmacy and Nutrition Procedures for Concerns with Pharmacy and Nutrition Student Professional Behaviour). Both forms should be submitted to the Associate Dean Academic for review and will be placed in the student’s file. The instructor may also wish to keep supplementary notes of their own regarding the matter.

If possible, the instructor may assign or provide an alternative activity for a missed mandatory component. In the case of missed laboratory sessions, the marks assigned for the missed laboratory may be reassigned to the overall laboratory course mark or an alternate laboratory-related assignment may be required. In the case of midterm examinations, a makeup examination will not be provided unless it is a “module” exam (i.e., the final exam is not a comprehensive exam and material from the module will not otherwise be assessed). The marks assigned for the missed midterm examination will be reassigned to the final examination or other course components as determined by the instructor. All alternative arrangements, including reallocation of marks must be documented by the instructor on the Student Declaration of Absence form.

All Student Declaration of Absence forms will be kept in the student's record. Repeated absences or failure to notify the instructor may be recorded as a failing grade with a grade of 49% and "INF" (Incomplete - failure) on the grade report for the course, regardless of if the overall course mark was >50%. 

When a Student Declaration of Absence is received from a student the instructor indicates their decision and submits the form to the Associate Dean Academic office for review and placement in the student’s record. The Associate Dean Academic will take action as they feel is appropriate (such as discussing the case further with instructors, contacting the student, referral to student services for assistance).

There may be cases where a student is hesitant to indicate details of the reason for the request. In such cases, the student should indicate “serious personal difficulties” or “serious health difficulties” on the form that goes into the student’s file. On a separate form or letter, the student will provide details of the difficulties, and this would be placed in a confidential file in the office where access would be limited to the Dean and the Associate Dean Academic. 

See Academic Courses Policy on Class Delivery, Examinations, and Assessment of Student Learning for details on examinations, student grievances, appeals and discipline regulations.

Students who are ill before or become ill during a final exam are strongly advised not to write or finish writing the exam. A student who is absent from a final examination through no fault of their own for medical or other valid reasons must submit a Request for Deferred or Special Deferred Examination form to the College within three days of the missed examination. The College may also require supporting documentary evidence for the missed exam, including a Declaration of Secrecy. A student who has sat for a given final examination and submitted the exam for marking will not be granted a deferred final examination.

Students are responsible for any costs associated with writing deferred and special deferred exams.

The College will approve deferred exams in the case of illness with a medical certificate, serious personal distress with a medical certificate, compassionate grounds (with documentation such as a funeral program), member of a provincial or national sports team (University teams would not schedule events during the exam period) and certain other special circumstances (such as a student oversleeping or being involved in an accident). In cases where a student oversleeps, the student should not go to the exam but rather contact the College Office. In these instances, a special deferred exam may be scheduled. Regular deferred exams are scheduled through the USask Exams Office

The College will only authorize special deferred exams (i.e., written at a time other than the regular deferred exam period) in the following circumstances:

  • A continuing illness or other valid consideration prevents the student from writing during the regular deferred period.
  • The exam must be written in time to permit the student to be eligible to meet Convocation deadlines or to begin an experiential learning or practicum placement.

It is a course offered outside the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition and the course instructor agrees to a special deferred exam.

Students are responsible for any costs associated with writing deferred and special deferred exams.

Since the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition does not offer courses at Spring or Summer Session and since the timetable does not permit students to carry failed courses in the subsequent year of the program, the College will normally consider granting a supplemental examination to students registered in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition.

Supplemental exams will only be granted if the student:

  • achieves a weighted average of at least 65% in the year.
  • achieves a final grade between 50% and 59%.
  • has failed no more than one course (regardless of the unit value of the course).

 Students eligible for supplemental privileges will be notified after approval by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee.

The College may grant, under extenuating circumstances, a special supplemental examination to a student who submits satisfactory evidence of their inability to be present at the regular supplemental period or to begin an experiential learning or practicum placement. A student who receives an overall final grade between 50% and 59% in a Term 1 course, which is also a prerequisite to a Term 2 course, will be granted a special supplemental examination prior to the start of Term 2 if no other failures of Term 1 courses have occurred. If the student is unable to write the special supplemental on the allotted day and time, they will be allowed to write the special supplemental during the first week of classes in Term 2.

If the student passes the supplemental exam or special supplemental exam, a final grade of 60% will be entered on the student’s record.

Students are responsible for any costs associated with writing supplemental and special supplemental exams.

The examination regulations of the University and the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition state that a student who has a concern with the individual(s) that evaluated their work or performance must consult informally with the instructor as soon as possible, but not later than 30 days after the assessment has been made available to the student. (See Student Appeals)

Illness. Students who are ill before or become ill during a midterm exam are strongly advised not to write/or finish writing the exam. Students who are absent due to illness or other legitimate reason must complete and submit a Student Declaration of Absence form. Absence from the program of greater than one week must be discussed with the Associate Dean Academic (who will consult with course instructors) to determine the impact of the absence on the student’s academic program; supporting medical or other relevant documentation may be required. If possible, all such absences should be brought to the attention of the Associate Dean Academic well in advance. 

Personal Circumstances. Credence should be given to the pressures students encounter in their personal lives, as the ability to function academically can be affected by personal circumstances (e.g., illness of a child or spouse of the student, breakup of a relationship). In these cases, and also for compassionate reasons (below), it may not always be to the student’s advantage to avoid writing a midterm exam, or completing other aspects of the program, and this can be discussed with the student.

Compassionate Grounds. This is a valid consideration and does not necessarily depend on the relationship to the student. One student can overcome the trauma of the death of a relative or friend while another may be stressed considerably by the illness of another student. In the case of a death, the College will require the student to provide a funeral program.

Sports Teams. Absences and special writings of exams are permitted for students who are on USask teams, or the equivalent of university teams (e.g., provincial team). The student must submit a Student Permission to Travel for University Business form to the instructor; the instructor may also request confirmation from a coach.  

Canadian Armed Forces. Students who are reservists in the Canadian Armed Forces and are required to attend training courses or military exercises, or deploy for full-time service either domestically or internationally, may be granted special accommodation with regard to attendance, availability of study materials, and assessment requirements (including mid-term and final examinations).

Vacation or Social Events. These are not considered adequate reasons for missing mandatory course components, laboratories, rescheduling examinations, or having an assignment deadline extended.

Professional Development Activities. In the case of professional development activities (e.g., PDW Conference), special requests are warranted as long as they are reasonable (i.e., do not extend substantially from the conference dates).

Unusual Circumstances. Examples include the student oversleeping or breakdown of a vehicle. This may be considered valid once, but if it occurs more frequently, the instructor should not give special consideration to the student.

Experiential Learning

A student should generally remain in a rotation until completion unless a serious concern is identified. Serious concerns may include but are not limited to the following situations:

Notification must be provided to the Experiential Learning Office before any action is taken. All removals from rotations will be reviewed by the UAAC.

A student may request a withdrawal from the rotation without academic penalty for health or personal reasons. The request must be submitted in writing, with appropriate documentation, to the EL Associate Director or the Associate Dean Academic. Appropriate documentation will be required prior to the student resuming rotations.

Experiential learning (EL) placements and courses are academic courses. Failure in a placement is considered failure of an academic course and is subject to the academic policies of the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, including all Faculty Actions. Students must successfully complete all courses (including EL courses) before moving on to the next year in the program. 

If a student fails PHAR 185 or PHAR 285, the failure will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC). Students will be required to repeat the entire course (4-week rotation). Permission to repeat the course will typically be granted unless:

A student who is not successful on a rotation must develop a learning plan to address the area(s) of deficiency identified in the failed rotation before proceeding to the repeated rotation or within the first week of the rotation. The student may also be required to complete remediation prior to repeating the course, as per the UAAC decision. Decisions regarding appropriate remediation are made after reviewing the preceptor evaluation(s), student performance throughout the Doctor of Pharmacy program, and with input from the EL office.

The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition does not share evaluations and learning plans from previous rotations with new sites/preceptors. However, we strongly encourage the student to share these in an effort to help achieve the necessary competencies in the repeated rotation(s). 

The repeat placement will occur at a different practice site, with a different preceptor. PHAR 185 and PHAR 285 course offerings are subject to preceptor and site availability. Every attempt will be made to schedule a repeat placement during the spring/summer term. If this is not possible, the student may repeat as availability allows. Note that this will delay progression in the program.

Students are responsible for all financial costs associated with remediation requirements and repeated rotations.

If a student fails the second attempt at a PHAR 185 or PHAR 285, the student will be required to discontinue.

If a student fails an EL course (rotation) in Year 4, the failure will be reviewed by the UAAC. UAAC will determine what, if any, remediation or action is required prior to reattempting the course or continuing in other EL courses.

Repeat rotations are subject to availability of appropriate preceptors and sites. This may result in a delay in program progression, convocation, or delay in completing Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC) examinations. The College is not responsible for any deposit or registration paid for the PEBC examination.

 Students are responsible for all financial costs associated with remediation requirements and repeated rotations. The fee to repeat a failed 8-week rotation is calculated by the Office of the Registrar and based on the course being equivalent to 8 credit units.

A student will have only two attempts at the same rotation and then will be required to discontinue after the second failure. A student who fails two rotations (any of PHAR 481, PHAR 482, PHAR 483, PHAR 484) will be required to discontinue. 

If a student fails a rotation they may be permitted to continue in subsequently scheduled rotations, provided the reason for failure was not due to one of the following reasons:

In the case where a student has started a subsequent rotation, if after review of the first failure by UAAC, the Committee believes that remediation would benefit the student prior to completion of the second rotation, the student may be removed from the rotation without academic penalty. 

The student must develop a learning plan to address the area(s) of deficiency identified in the failed rotation before proceeding to or within the first week of the subsequently scheduled rotation.

The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition does not share evaluations and learning plans from previous rotations with new sites/preceptors. However, we strongly encourage the student to share these in an effort to help achieve the necessary competencies in the repeated rotation(s). 

Faculty Actions

A grade of <60% will be counted as “one failure” regardless of the unit value of the course.  All failed courses, including pass/fail courses, are reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC) which will determine if any additional remediation is required prior to the student reattempting the failed course; remediation may include repeating course for which the student already has credit. Students will be notified of the UAAC’s decision within 5 working days of the UAAC meeting. A student may request a reconsideration of the UAAC decision only if they have relevant, new evidence to provide that was not available at the time of the Committee’s decision. A request for reconsideration must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean Academic within 15 calendar days of receiving the original UAAC decision. A reconsideration by UAAC may result in a reversal, modification, or no change to the original decision, and will be provided to the student within calendar 30 days of receipt of the reconsideration request. If a student is not satisfied with the reconsideration outcome, they may pursue a College-level appeal (see Appeal of Faculty Action).

Students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program who fail PHAR 152, PHAR 253, PHAR 255, PHAR 358, or PHAR 359 will also be required to repeat the Skills Lab associated with the failed course, regardless of if the student has already received credit for the Skills Lab.


If a student is required to discontinue (RTD) they may not be registered in the program for a period of one year. They may apply to re-enter the program after the year by providing a statement to the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee indicating they wish to be readmitted to the program. The statement must include a reflection describing why they were unable to be successful in the program and any activities they have undertaken during the year in order to be successful if readmitted. Appropriate documentation (e.g., from a health care provider) should be included with the statement as appropriate. Readmission is subject to availability of a position in the specific year of the program to which the student will be readmitted. An application from a student who has been required to discontinue twice will not be approved except in extreme circumstances.

A student who reenters the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition after being required to discontinue will not retain credit for any course taken during the year in which the student was required to discontinue where a grade of <65% was achieved. The Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee may also require a repeat of specific courses (e.g., Skills Lab course which is Pass/Fail).

Grading Descriptors

The following grading system applies to the Doctor of Pharmacy (effective May 2023) and Bachelor of Science in Nutrition (effective May 2024) programs:

90-100 Exceptional

A superior performance with consistent strong evidence of:

  • a comprehensive incisive grasp of the subject matter;
  • an ability to make insightful critical evaluation of the material given;
  • an exceptional capacity for original, creative and/or logical thinking;
  • an excellent ability to organize, to analyze, to synthesize, to integrate ideas, and to express thoughts fluently.

 80-89 Excellent

An excellent performance with strong evidence of:

  • a comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter;
  • an ability to make sound critical evaluation of the material given;
  • a very good capacity for original, creative and/or logical thinking; - an excellent ability to organize, to analyze, to synthesize, to integrate ideas and to express thoughts fluently.

70-79 Good

A good performance with evidence of:

  • a substantial knowledge of the subject matter;
  • a good understanding of the relevant issues and a good familiarity with the relevant literature and techniques;
  • some capacity for original, creative and/or logical thinking;
  • a good ability to organize, to analyze and to examine the subject material in a critical and constructive manner.

60-69 Satisfactory

A generally satisfactory and intellectually adequate performance with evidence of:

  • an acceptable basic grasp of the subject material;
  • a fair understanding of the relevant issues;
  • a general familiarity with the relevant literature and techniques;
  • an ability to develop solutions to moderately difficult problems related to the subject material;
  • a moderate ability to examine the material in a critical and analytical manner.


An unacceptable performance.


Evidence of familiarity with sufficient subject matter and/or skills to recommend granting a supplemental examination in some cases.


Failure. No supplemental examinations granted.

The actual grade awarded will be decided by the individual instructor (e.g., based on the actual mark achieved in the course), or using the University grade of 49%, along with a grade comment of INF (Incomplete Failure) in cases where the final mark achieved was ≥60% but the student did not complete a mandatory component required to pass the course.

Leave of Absence

Consideration will be given to reasonable requests for time away from the Doctor of Pharmacy or Bachelor of Science in Nutrition program. However, all leaves must not compromise the expectations and rigors of the professional program. Time in an approved leave of absence is included as part of the seven-year limit for completing the program.

Students must apply in writing (email is permissible) to the Association Dean Academic requesting a leave of absence. Whenever possible, the request should be made no less than 30 days prior to the start of the leave, although the College recognizes this may not always be possible. Appropriate documentation supporting the leave of absence request must be submitted (e.g., physician note) before the request will be considered.

Should a student’s health or professionalism issues be identified such that their continued participation in the program may present a risk to others, or the student is no longer able to meet the Essential Skills and Attributes Required for the Study of Pharmacy at the University of Saskatchewan or the Essential Skills Required for the Study of Nutrition at the University of Saskatchewan, the student may be required to take a leave of absence or withdraw from the program until such a time that they no longer pose a risk or are able to meet the Essential Skills and Attributes.

The College of Pharmacy and Nutrition reserves the right to determine conditions of return to the program after a leave of absence.

Students returning from an approved medical leave must provide appropriate documentation supporting their return before they will be approved to return to their program.

All leaves that are longer than an academic year must be reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC) before a student will be approved to return to the program. The UAAC may require remediation, including the repeating of courses for which the student has already received credit (e.g., Skills Labs) before a student can return to their program.

Procedures for Concerns with Professional Behaviour

Promotion Standards

The annual weighted average is based on courses taken during the Regular Session (September-April) and the Spring and Summer Session immediately prior to this. Credit units indicate the relative academic weight of each course and are used to calculate the weighted average.

If a student fails two or more courses in Term 1, the student will not be permitted to continue to Term 2. If the weighted average is 65% or greater for Term 1, and no more than 2 courses were failed in Term 1, they will be permitted to return the following year, but will be required to repeat all failed courses. The Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee may also require a repeat of specific courses (e.g., Skills Lab course which is Pass/Fail).

Students cannot progress to the next year of the program without completing all the necessary requirements for that academic year unless special approval is granted by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee.

  • Pass all courses, and have a weighted average of 65%, and clear all of the admission deficiencies: No action
  • One course failure in the academic year: Apply for supplemental privileges
  • Two course failures in the academic year: Repeat courses, if grade received was 50-59%
  • Three or more course failures in the academic year: required to discontinue
  • A weighted average of less than 65%: required to discontinue
  • All admission deficiencies must be removed before a student will be allowed to register in second year [B.Sc.(Nutr.)]. The cut-off date for removal of admission deficiencies is June 30.
  • A student must meet all Term 1 prerequisite courses in order to take Term 2 courses. Failure to do so will require the student to drop Term 2 courses. If a student fails a single course in Term 1, they may be granted a special supplemental exam, if eligible, in order to potentially allow them to move on to Term 2 (see Supplemental Exams). Every effort will be made to have the special supplemental exams written early in Term 2. If the student subsequently fails a second course in Term 2, they will not be eligible for a supplemental exam (i.e., two course failures have occurred in the academic year) and must repeat the course.

  • Pass all coures:  No action
  • One course failure:  See Failures in Experiential Learning
  • Two failures in any course:  Required to discontinue

Students who choose to split Year 1, Year 2, or Year 3 of the program must consult with the Associate Dean Academic to determine a suitable split of courses. Students cannot split Year 4 of their program. A student is only allowed to split one year in their program.

A student wishing to graduate must complete the courses for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nutrition or Doctor of Pharmacy within a period of seven years after first registration in the respective programs in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. Approved leave of absences from the program are included in the seven-year limit. In exceptional circumstances permission may be granted to continue study beyond the seven-year limit. The student must meet the degree requirements in place when the extension is granted.

Student Appeals

The examination regulations of the University and the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition state that a student who has a concern with the individual(s) that evaluated their work or performance must consult informally with the instructor as soon as possible, but not later than 30 days after the assessment has been made available to the student. The Informal Consultation Regarding Academic Standing form must be completed. In the case of an experiential learning course or practicum, the instructor is considered to be the Associate Director of Experiential Learning (PharmD) or the Practicum Coordinator (Nutrition).

The purpose of the informal consultation is to:

  • assist the student in understanding how their grade was determined
  • afford an opportunity for the instructor(s) and student to review the evaluation and ensure that all work was included, that all material was marked, that no marks were omitted, and grade calculations were correct.

The following steps should be followed:

  • The instructor and student will meet informally.
  • Any errors discovered during this informal review may result in an appropriate change in the grade awarded.
  • The instructor and student should complete and sign the Informal Consultation  Regarding Academic Standing form and place it in the student’s file. The student will also be notified of any grade change.

If the student is not satisfied with the academic judgement rendered with respect to the work or performance, they may request reconsideration of the assessment. The instructor(s) may decide to re-evaluate the work or performance or request that the student apply for a formal reassessment by submitting a completed Request for and Report of Re-Assessment Form to the Dean.

If a student wishes to appeal the grade received for an EL course, the USask Procedures for Student Appeals in Academic Matters are followed.

The first step involves an informal consultation with the course instructor (i.e., Associate Director, Experiential Learning). The Associate Director, EL will review all preceptor and student assessments related to the course to ensure there were no errors, omissions, or discrepancies in how the grade was determined. The Associate Director, EL will then meet with the student to assist the student in understanding how the grade was arrived at. Any errors discovered during this review should result in an appropriate change in the grade, and in the record for the course. The informal consultation should take place as soon as possible, and not later than 15 calendar days, after receiving the course grade.

If the student is not satisfied with the result of the informal consultation, the student may request a formal reassessment by submitting the USask Request for and Report of Reassessment form to the Dean. The request must be made within 30 calendar days of receiving the results of the assessment under review (i.e., course grade). The Dean will then determine whether it is feasible to have the performance reassessed by someone, other than the Associate Director, EL, who the Dean decides is qualified to do so. If the Dean determines that a reassessment is not feasible, that decision is final. If a reassessment is possible, it will follow the procedures outlined in Section III (B) of the USask Procedures for Student Appeals in Academic Matters. The ruling of the reassessment will be final and not subject to further appeal. If a student believes the assessment of their performance has been negatively affected by a factor not involving academic judgment of the performance, they may appeal as provided in Part V of the USask Procedures for Student Appeals in Academic Matters.

The College makes academic decisions based on University and College regulations. An appeal is a request for special consideration which is an exception to University or College regulations. It occurs when an academic decision is brought to the faculty for reexamination. The original decision may be upheld, reversed, or modified.

The grounds of appeal for all college-level appeals shall be limited to the grounds of appeal outlined in Part V.B.1 of the Procedures for Student Appeals in Academic Matters.

To appeal a faculty action, the student must submit a formal letter of appeal to the Associate Dean Academic within 15 working days of the receipt of notification of the faculty action. The letter of appeal should explain the reasons why the appeal should be considered, and provide supporting documentation where possible (e.g., documentation from physician, counsellor). 

The Faculty of the College will consider all appeals, based on the guidelines below and inform the student in writing of its decision within 30 working days of receipt of the letter of appeal and supporting documentation.

The Dean will strike an Ad Hoc Appeals Committee when an appeal is received. The appeal committee will be composed of six members of the College: one student from each program, 2 faculty members from the program in which the appealing student is enrolled, one faculty member from the other College program, and the Dean. The Committee shall follow, in principle, the appeal process as described in the University Procedures for Student Appeals in Academic Matters. The Dean will serve as Chair.

The College has the authority to change an academic decision based on the individual circumstances of the appeal. 

Factors considered include illness, personal circumstances, and compassionate reasons. Documentation throughout the year on the Student Declaration of Absence forms can be important in the decision regarding the student’s case.

As much as possible, the College will strive for consistency in rendering decisions. Ignorance of the rules (e.g., missing a withdrawal/fail deadline) is not a valid reason for consideration.

Time away from the program may be very valuable to the student to put personal circumstances in order, or for the student to reevaluate if the program is right for them.

Special consideration may be given to a student in Year 4 depending on their overall performance in the College. In some cases, students may be required to repeat the year, or repeat certain components, while in other cases the student may be required to discontinue for a year.

Student Records and Confidentiality

The University of Saskatchewan and the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition collects information about students in order to operate effectively and efficiently as a post-secondary institution. For example, we ask for your personal information in order to assess applications for admission, register students, assess tuition and collect payment, offer programs and services, award degrees and awards, and generally administer your education. The University of Saskatchewan and the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition is required to protect your personal information.

The University of Saskatchewan and the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition can use your personal information with your express consent, but also with your implied consent – that is, we can use it for the purpose for which it was collected or a use consistent with that purpose, without your express consent. For example, we collect your personal information on your application for admission, and we will use that information throughout your time at this university in the administration of your education and in granting you a degree. We may also use your personal information for the purposes of supporting student experiences and maintaining the integrity of our programs.   

The University of Saskatchewan and the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition can use and disclose your personal information without your consent in certain other circumstances, which are limited. These mostly pertain to public interest and health and safety concerns, and legally required disclosures such as court orders.

Student Accommodations

Details related to student accommodations are managed through USask Access and Equity Services.  

The College has approved accommodation procedures and policies. The purpose of these are as follows:

  • To outline the procedures which students who require accommodation, who are applying to the Doctor of Pharmacy or Bachelor of Science in Nutrition program or who are accepted into one of those programs, are to follow regarding registration.
  • To outline the process for the provision of accommodation in the admission process as well as the provision of accommodation in the classroom, laboratory and experiential learning or practicum settings. 

Policy (PDF)
Procedures (PDF)


A student may request a withdrawal from a course without academic penalty for health or personal reasons. The request must be submitted in writing, with appropriate documentation, to the Associate Dean Academic. A student is only allowed to withdraw from a course once; a second withdrawal from the same course will result in the student being required to discontinue from the program.

Students are only allowed two attempts at the same course. If a student withdraws from a course after November 15 (Term 1 course), March 15 (Term 2 course), or February 15 (Term 1/2 multi-term course) it will be considered an "attempt" at the course. The student will receive a grade of "W" on their transcript, but they will only be allowed one further attempt to successfully complete the course. A subsequent withdrawal in that course or failure will result in the student being required to discontinue from the program. 

A student may request a withdrawal from the rotation without academic penalty for health or personal reasons. The request must be submitted in writing, with appropriate documentation, to the Associate Dean Academic. Appropriate documentation will be required prior to the student resuming rotations. A student is only allowed to withdraw from one Experiential Learning/Practicum rotation per academic year; a second withdrawal from an Experiential Learning/Practicum (the same or different rotation) will result in the student being required to discontinue from the program.

Students are only allowed two attempts at the same rotation. If a student withdraws from a rotation after 75% of the rotation has been completed it will be considered an "attempt" at the rotation. The student will receive a grade of "W" on their transcript, but they will only be allowed one further attempt to succesfully complete the rotation. A subsequent withdrawal or failure will result in the student being required to discontinue from the program.

Students who have failed a course due to a serious personal circumstance (e.g., compassionate or medical) may apply for a retroactive withdrawal. A retroactive withdrawal results in a change to the academic record and can be justified only on serious personal circumstances rather than academic grounds. The retroactive withdrawal request must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean Academic and be accompanied by supporting documentation. Retroactive withdrawal requests will be reviewed by the Undergraduate Academic Affairs Committee (UAAC).

Serious personal circumstances may include:

  • Medical grounds: the student must have personally experienced a medical illness, injury, or a detrimental impact resulting from treatment or changes in treatment. Supporting documentation must be from a licensed healthcare provider actively involved in the care and/or management of the student. The documentation must indicate support for the retroactive withdrawal, including the dates for which the assessment and/or support is effective. Depending on the potential impact of the medical grounds, the UAAC may require that the student take a medical leave or provide documented medical clearance before being allowed to reattempt the withdrawn course.
  • Compassionate grounds: a distressing incident or life event, or personal emergency, outside the student's control that negatively impacted their ability to successfully complete the course
In the retroactive withdrawal request the student must clearly state:
  • The course(s) from which they are applying to be retroactively withdrawn
  • The personal circumstance that led to the failing grade
  • Why a withdrawal during the course was not requested
  • A plan of action for the reattempt of the course(s), where applicable

Requests for a retroactive withdrawal will not be reviewed if all required components are not submitted.

Except in exceptional circumstances, requests for retroactive withdrawals must be submitted to the Associate Dean Academic not later than 30 calendar days from receipt of the final grade in the course for which the retroactive withdrawal is being requested.








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