College of Pharmacy and Nutrition


Home Economics Reconnecting Newsletter 2024

March 2024


Dr. Jane Alcorn, Professor and Dean

Greetings Home Economics alumni,

I am pleased to provide an opening message to 2024 Reconnecting Newsletter. As you will read, the newsletter provides a number of important updates and stories since its last publication. Our Communications Specialist, Jason Belhumeur, made several improvements to facilitate your navigation through the newsletter and the Home Economics webpage. Thank you Jason for all of your efforts to create a more user-friendly interface to the webpage and newsletter. Also within the newsletter, I direct your attention to the College team members who remain dedicated to offering continued support to the Home Economics alumni!   

Inside the newsletter, you will see updates from your Home Economics Alumni Committees. Thank you to those committee members and other alumni committed to maintaining a vibrant Home Economics alumni community. Other features of the newsletter include a “Home Economists in Action’ section, updates from the Division of Nutrition and Dietetics and the College of Education, and those alumni we lost since the last publication of the newsletter.

I am sincerely grateful to Merry Beazely and Susan Whiting, members of the Home Economics Engagement Committee,  for their leadership role with this newsletter. I ask you all to continue sharing your stories and updates to ensure the Home Economics legacy lives on.

I look forward to meeting many of you at upcoming Home Economics events. 


Home Economics Engagement Committee

Gayleen Turner

I was appointed chair of the Home Economics Engagement Committee at the June 2021 Committee meeting. Meetings are at the call of the chair, using a virtual model, and are held two or three times a year.  The Committee reports to Dean Jane Alcorn and the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. 

The Home Economics Engagement Committee is an umbrella group, whose work comprises:

  1. Lobbying for a College of Home Economics/Household Science permanent outdoor campus recognition near the Thorvaldson Building.  Lead is the Association of Saskatchewan Home Economists.
  2. Edith Rowles Simpson Lecture Series Committee. 
  3. Home Economics Annual Luncheon Committee. 
  4. Home Economics Reconnecting Newsletter.
  5. Home Economics Class Reunions support in planning and hosting a visit of the graduates to the University/College of Pharmacy and Nutrition for refreshments, presentations and tours.
  6. Maintaining College memorabilia around campus and display inside Thorvaldson entrance which is ad hoc group.
  7. Communicating with you by email about Home Economics happenings and via the Home Economics website at

As Home Economics events take place, I cordially invite you to attend and reconnect with fellow grads.  If you would be interested in joining the Committee or volunteering at our events, please contact me via the College’s Administrative Assistant, Erin Wrubleski at

Farewell and Thank You

Millie Reynolds

It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Millie Reynolds on February 29, 2024.   Millie was an amazing friend and valued colleague of so many Home Economists. Please see

Millie graduated in 1969. An innovative and dedicated teacher for decades, she began a support group for parents of her students at Nutana Collegiate.   With School Board, community and provincial government patronage, the support group grew into a parenting program and then a daycare centre. Nutana students with children have access to Millie’s Early Learning Centre, which provides an enriched, high-quality daycare for up to 12 infants and five toddlers. The Centre is staffed with excellent support services for young families.   

Millie retired from teaching, and then recently retired again, from her role as Co-Editor of Home Economics Reconnecting newsletter for alums. Over the years she stayed in touch and collected stories and ideas for the newsletter and many of you wrote to her with updates. She was a driving force and champion for Home Economics in Saskatchewan and beyond.  Millie had recently moved to Prince Albert to be close to her daughter Dawn Klimer.

Millie’s family is planning a Celebration of Millie’s Life on Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 2:00 pm at the Remai Modern Art Museum in Saskatoon.  Her family is looking forward to hearing stories from and reminiscing with Millie’s Home Economics family!  Millie, we will surely miss your lovely presence!  May your memory be a blessing. 

Cheryl Hamelin BSHEc (Class of 1988)

Introducing the Vice President of University Relations

In a significant move for the University of Saskatchewan, Cheryl Hamlin assumed the role of Vice President of University Relations (UR) on June 1, 2022. With an extensive background in fundraising and communications spanning three decades in Calgary, Cheryl is playing a pivotal role in managing the university's reputation and fostering key donor relationships.

As the newly appointed Vice President of UR, Cheryl Hamlin's responsibilities extend beyond traditional university relations. Her purview includes providing vision and leadership for fundraising and development, alumni relations, strategic communications, and operations and services. Cheryl leads a dedicated team focused on cultivating relationships with alumni and the broader community, fostering a culture of philanthropy, and spearheading the institutional "Be What the World Needs" campaign.


Cheryl's journey to this leadership position is uniquely rooted in her education at the University of Saskatchewan. Studying between 1984 and 1988 in one of the last classes before the program was disbanded in 1990, Cheryl holds a degree from the College of Home Economics. Her specialization in Consumer Studies, with a focus on family finance, consumer behavior, and commerce and arts, laid the foundation for her versatile career.

Reflecting on her academic journey, Cheryl shared that she was unsure of her path initially. However, her broad degree allowed her to explore various fields, making her resourceful and adaptable. Notably, she pointed to a consumer economics course that stood out, emphasizing the ways people make decisions and the retail opportunities tied to those choices. This sparked her interest in working for not-for-profit organizations, delving into funding and giving opportunities.

The practicum experience during her undergraduate years further shaped Cheryl's career trajectory. Engaging with the Elizabeth Fry Society, she gained insights into social justice and the inner workings of not-for-profits, understanding the dynamics of funding, government support, and philanthropy.

In her current role as Vice President of UR, Cheryl draws upon the interpersonal and broad array of skills she developed during her diverse undergraduate experience. Managing relationships with a wide range of individuals, from CEOs to everyday community members, Cheryl values the versatility her education afforded her.

Reflecting on her college days, Cheryl expressed gratitude for the supportive and collegial environment at the College of Home Economics. Surrounded by powerful women role models such as Eva Lee Kwok and Bev Pain, Cheryl felt inspired to find her voice and purpose in the business and leadership world.

Looking ahead, Cheryl encourages current Home Economics graduates and friends to take pride in their program's successful alumni. She highlights the impressive positions achieved by graduates, including the Governor General of Ontario, and underscores the importance of not shying away from sharing their achievements. Cheryl's wish for future generations is to recognize the potential in their fields and leverage opportunities, emphasizing the transformative impact of a practicum experience. 

As Cheryl Hamlin takes on her new role at the University of Saskatchewan, her journey from Home Economics alumna to Vice President of University Relations serves as an inspiring testament to the value of a broad and adaptable education.

Alumni Matters

Engagement Committee Messages

The Edith Rowles Simpson Lecture – this committee, as part of Home Economics Engagement,  comprised of Brian Bandy, Carol Henry, Kim Kennett, and Dorothy Sandercock is looking into several excellent and pertinent speakers and hopes to hold the 2024 Simpson Lecture this fall.  Many thanks are extended to Dean Jane Alcorn for providing in-kind support for the Lecture through Erin Wrubliski, Administrative Assistant of Pharmacy and Nutrition. There will be a reception for alumni and friends in conjunction with the lecture.

Communicating with You – Merry and Susan met recently with Jason Belhumeur, Communications and Alumni Relations Specialist for Pharmacy and Nutrition, who has provided his expertise in compiling this newsletter and enhancing communications about Home Economics alumni activities. The redesigned landing page, on the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition website, will enable everyone to easily find and access the Home Economics historical site, past Reconnecting issues and check announcements of upcoming events. How to get there:

  • go to
  • click Academics in the menu
  • click Colleges and Schools
  • click Pharmacy and Nutrition
  • click Alumni
  • click College of Home Economics 

Jason will send out messages to everyone that we have email addresses (from the University Relations database) to let you know about Home Economics events.  So, if you should change your email or know of grads who are not receiving Reconnecting, please click on the relations website or phone the Alumni Relations office at 1-800-699-1907.

The Reconnecting Newsletter – the newsletter you are reading needs one or more interested alumni to serve as editors.  Jason guides the layout of the newsletter so an editor requires no formatting skills, just knowledge and interest in Home Economics alumni matters. Please let Erin at know if you would like to help with the next newsletter.   We hope you will sign on!

Home Economics Memorabilia On Campus – Merry and Kim will be refreshing the Home Economics display in the Thorvaldson lobby.  When you are in Convocation Hall, please look for a beautiful plaque that recognizes and honors the College of Home Economics/Household Science.  Other treasures and memorabilia enhance the President’s Residence and other locations on campus.

Home Economics Class Reunions – see section below.  We are pleased to report that the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition is providing much-appreciated support for Reunions.  As a first step, If you or your classmates would like to hold a reunion, please contact Erin Wrubleski to assist you in planning a campus visit, with a morning reception, presentations, and tours. 

Usask Campus

Staff Support Team

College of Pharmacy and Nutrition

Kris Dancey
Advancement Officer – to provide advice/support for a Home Economics Legacy Fund.

Erin Wrubleski
Administrative Assistant – to provide administrative support for Simpson Lectures and other activities tba.

Jason Belhumeur
Communication and Alumni Relations Specialist – communications advice and support for Reconnecting Newsletter; the Home Economics section on College of Pharmacy and Nutrition website; and support related to communication with grads.

Sandy Knowles
Executive Assistant to the Dean – arranges Home Economics Engagement Committee and related meetings.

Home Economics Class Reunions

The Home Economics Engagement Committee and the College encourage you to plan your Class Reunions in Saskatoon to celebrate milestone (or any) years.  Classes are especially invited to hold reunions as part of the USask Alumni Homecoming Week each September! 

SAVE THE DATE Classes of 1981-1986!

Lisa Halstead writes: "We are thrilled to be planning a reunion for 6 graduating years!  We hope you can take part this fall. The Reunion will be held in conjunction with the University of Saskatchewan’s Homecoming from September 13 - 15, 2024, in Saskatoon.  There is a link at USask_Home_Ec_Reunion_Itinerary.01.pdf ( to the preliminary itinerary for the Home Economics Reunion event. We look forward to receiving your feedback about your availability and which sessions you would like to attend.  Your responses will inform the final itinerary. Please contact me at or one of your classmates on the organizing committee:  Pat Shier ‘86, Natalie Shorten ’85, Lisa Halstead ’84, Jane (Baugh) Horkoff ‘83, Suzanne (McCormick) Mahaffey ‘82 and Kim Kennett ‘81."

Home Economists in Action

Lisa Halstead

Lisa Halstead (Class of 1984) writes that she moved to Salt Spring Island BC. At the end of 2018 she retired from the position of Superintendent of Schools in the Gulf Islands and has been doing some contract work for the University of Victoria. “I continue to be so grateful for the education I received at University of Saskatchewan (and the great friendships and happy memories!).”

Dorothy Long

Dorothy Long (Class of 1989) – Saskatchewan Agriculture Hall of Fame Inductee, April 15, 2023.
Dorothy was cited for using her background in home economics to advance consumer knowledge by teaching about society’s connection to food and farming. Her passion for agriculture led her to being instrumental in organizing and guiding farm tours for dietitians, journalists, and food writers with the goal of connecting rural and urban residents. Through marketing and digital communications, she has helped build consumer trust in the Canadian food system. She is director of communications for Canadian Food Focus and Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan.

Joyce Slater

Joyce Slater RD PhD (Class of 1987) developed a poster describing “Food Literacy Progression: A Framework of Food Literacy Development for Children and Youth from 2-18 Years”. Funding for this project was from the Canadian Home Economics Foundation. Joyce, a Professor of Nutrition at the University of Manitoba, a website called FANLIT that provides resources on the progression of knowledge, skills and attitudes required to become food literate.

Berna Magnuson

Berna Magnuson (Van Meter, BSHEc 1980) writes that she is a food toxicology consultant to the food and dietary supplement industries for both humans and animal foods. She has a private consulting practice with her husband, Dr. Earle Nestmann, called Health Science Consultants Inc. that provides expertise in the area of safety and government regulation of foods, food ingredients and dietary supplements. “Who knew that those food science classes with Mr. Sumner and nutrition classes with Dr. Lee would lead me to this!” This winter Berna was invited by the Canadian Nutrition Society to speak at their January thematic conference on the timely topic “Global regulatory safety assessment of low calorie sweeteners.”

Shelley Case

Shelley Case (Class of 1980) has a revised edition of her very popular book Gluten Free: The Definitive Resource Guide”. She lives in Calgary and can be reached at or

Update from Division of Nutrition and Dietetics

Dr. Kelsey Cochrane

In January 2024 the College welcomed Dr. Kelsey Cochrane as a new Assistant Professor in the area of clinical nutrition. She then completed her in B.Sc. in Nutrition and the Dietetic Practicum at the University of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Health Authority in 2014. Dr. Cochrane practiced as a Registered Dietitian in Saskatoon from 2014-2018 in clinical and industry roles.  She then the graduate program in nutrition at the University of British Columbia and completed her Ph.D. in 2023. 

Having focused on maternal nutrition, human milk, and developmental origins of health and disease during her PhD, Dr. Cochrane’s research program now aims to advance nutritional practices and health outcomes for pregnant individuals and their babies.

Her research expertise centers around perinatal nutrition, micronutrient supplementation, human milk, and clinical trials. She is interested in how maternal nutrition impacts the nutritional and bioactive components of human milk, how human milk composition influences infant development and health outcomes and optimizing infant formula composition. Her research also contributes to program development and public policy which improves breastfeeding equity and access to human milk.

Update from College of Education

Dr. Julie Paulson was appointed the Dean of Education this past May.  Originally from Alberta, Dean Paulson holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen’s University, and Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from the University of Oxford.  She was most recently a professor of education, peace, and conflict, and co-director of the Centre for Comparative and International Research in Education at the University of Bristol.  At the time of her appointment, Dr. Paulson commented that she is inspired by USask’s vision to be the university the world needs.  She praised the ongoing work and long history in anti-racist education and Indigenous education in the College and overall “the incredible contributions the college has made to education in the province and beyond” (University Communications).

The College of Education has offered a post BED 30-credit unit, part-time Certificate in Practical and Applied Arts/Home Economics in the past.  Patti Gillies, Program Advisor ( reports that the date of the next intake for this and the other certificate programs are under review.

In Memoriam

With Sadness

It is with sadness that we list those alumni, former faculty and staff and Home Economics colleagues who have passed away since the last Reconnecting issue. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list. If the name of your friend/ colleague has been omitted, or listed incorrectly, please let us know, and accept our apologies.


Year of Graduation


Year of Passing*

Barbara K. Schatkoski Hirch


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Laureen F. Bennett


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Roxanna F. Webb


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Beverley D. Green


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Janice Y. Shields


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Lorraine M. Adams


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Karen Gerda Hnatyshyn


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Clarisse G. Woods


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Florence M. Wilson


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Joan J. Fowler


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Joan L. Richards


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Ruth J. Whiteley


Bachelor of Household Science


Eleanor V. Seaman


Bachelor of Science in Home Economics


Joan Vanterpool


Bachelor of Household Science


Helen M. Fogarty


Bachelor of Household Science


Pearl B. Lokken


Bachelor of Household Science


Loraine A. Clokie


Bachelor of Household Science


Borisene N. Kusey


Bachelor of Household Science


Eileen M. Edwards


Bachelor of Household Science


Nancy F. Welch


Bachelor of Household Science


Marjorie L. Taylor


Bachelor of Household Science


Zora E. Gropper


Bachelor of Household Science


 *Please note:  the listing above includes the names of graduates who have passed away some years ago and the University has recently learned of their passing.


In addition, we also include below stories and precises of obituaries that have been sent to us of graduates and Home Economics colleagues who have recently passed away.  We gratefully acknowledge the families and friends for the obituaries they have created for their loved ones.


Robyn Miriam Clare (Pierce), Class of 1944

Robyn was born in Estevan in 1922.  She graduated in 1944 from the University of Saskatchewan with a Degree in Home Economics, and worked as a dietitian in Vancouver, Montreal, Sarnia and finally settling in Toronto.  Her obituary affirms that despite her move to the East, she kept her prairie spirit and deep bond with the West!  Robyn was the beloved wife of Harvey and blessed with daughters, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.  She worked hard to make a beautiful home for her family and was a generous and active member of her community. 

She passed away in Toronto in March 2022 in her 100th year of life.  Please see


Beryl Alice Forgay, University of British Columbia

Beryl graduated from first UBC Home Economics program and headed to Saskatchewan. She completed a Master’s thesis entitled “Attitudes in Saskatchewan Society Toward People Labeled Mentally Retarded.” Her interests were in the areas of social justice including the Home Economics for Living Project, Association for Community Living, Community Kitchen, Crackerjack Janitorial Cooperative and Making Peace. This work resulted in numerous awards and recognitions.  Beryl was an active member of her church and professional Home Economics associations.  Colleague Roberta Cox describes Beryl as always so gracious and positive, and her house was the first time in Regina that Roberta saw a large oak tree in the front yard.  Beryl passed away in 2022.  Please see Beryl FORGAY | Obituary | Regina Leader-Post (


Margaret Edith Crowle, Former Dean of Home Economics

Margaret passed away peacefully in her residence in 2021 in Warman, SK, at age 93. She was a 1949 graduate in Home Economics and later MSc in Nutrition from the University of Manitoba.  Margaret was recipient of many honours and awards in recognition of her outstanding community service, innovation, and contributions to the peoples of Saskatchewan. She was predeceased by her husband Leigh, and later-life partner, Eugene.  Mourning her passing are her children, Lois, Morley and Jean, their partners, 7 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren.  Margaret was described as a fun, "spunky" lady who loved with her whole heart and always lived life to the fullest.  Please see


Marilynn Burkholder, University of Guelph

Wanda Drew informed us of the passing of her former Home Economics teacher colleague, Marilynn Burkholder.  Marilynn studied Nutrition and Home Economics at the University of Guelph.  Wanda added that she will be remembered as a positive and friendly person.  In recent years she enjoyed meeting up with old friends and meeting new people at our Retired Home Economics Teacher Luncheons.  She added that will be missed and may she Rest In Peace.  Margaret’s obituary can be found at Marilynn Burkholder | Obituary | Saskatoon StarPhoenix (

Helen Hughes (Lamonth), Class of 1954

Helen was well known for her social justice work. She was outgoing, energetic, enthusiastic and determined, so was involved many organizations and movements, including Consumers Association of Canada, Saskatoon Big Sister Association, Saskatoon Crisis Intervention, Victoria Youth Empowerment Society and BC Council of Human Rights. She was a city council member in both Saskatoon and Victoria. Many awards were presented to her including honorary degrees from Universities of Saskatchewan and Victoria, Chancellor’s Community Recognition from Royal Roads and the Order of Canada. Please see story about Helen at

Roseann Maluk, University of Manitoba

Rosanne was born in 1948 to Helen and Eugene, and named after her Babas Maluk and Rystephanuk. She lived in a house by Sandy Lake until she was six, and then moved to the Maluk home in Saskatoon. Roseann graduated with a degree in Home Economics, majoring in Dietetics and Nutrition, from the U of M. After completing dietetic Internship, she accepted the position as Therapeutic Dietitian and later Assistant Director at St. Paul’s Hospital in Saskatoon. She went on to work as a consulting Dietitian for physicians, Heart & Stroke Foundation, Royal University Hospital, Canadian Diabetes Foundation, Calder Center, and the BridgePoint Center for Eating Disorders. Her family notes that her life was dedicated to helping those in need. Please see

Diane Schmidt (Scowen), Class of 1981

The passing of Diane Schmidt of Milden, Sask. occurred on December 2021 at the age of 64 years. Diane was a beloved member of the Milden community, as a teacher, licensed lay worship leader of the United Church of Canada and active volunteer, including turning a vacant lot downtown into a community garden. She is lovingly remembered by her husband, Evan, children and partners and large extended family. Diane loved to travel and enjoyed golf, skiing and hiking and other pursuits. She was artistic and creative. She is fondly described as loud and silly, with an infectious laugh, kind eyes and a generous heart. Please see

Irene C. Fawcett, B.Ed. Class of 1950

The family of Irene Cornell Fawcett announced her peaceful passing in December 1922 at the age of 94 in Regina. Irene was born at the Red Cross Outpost Hospital in Broderick, Saskatchewan and grew up on the family farm nearby. She attended the University of Saskatchewan, graduating with a Bachelor of Education degree, majoring in Home Economics. While at university, she met her future husband, Dr. Charlie Fawcett. In 1963, Irene began a long career at Campbell Collegiate. She became the Head of the Home Economics department and taught many classes, including Interior Design and Family Life. Her students over the years have shared with her family the positive influence she had on them during their high school years. Please visit to see the full obituary for Irene.

Barb Zalinko (Wickware), Class of 1957

Born February 1936 in Regina, Barb moved to Saskatoon with her family to attend USask and graduated with a degree in Home Economics. During university days, she met Russell Zalinko, and they were married. The couple moved to Tisdale, SK, to start their careers in teaching, and relocated to Regina in 1960, before having their family. Barb accomplished much in her career with the Saskatchewan Dairy Foundation and later Saskatchewan Provincial Parks Branch. Her retirement was filled enjoying her grandchildren and actively volunteering with the Regina Home Economics Project (HELP), her Church, Habitat for Humanity and other worthy causes. Barb passed away in January 2022. Her family and friends noted that she will be remembered for her caring nature, warm hospitality, and delight in carrying on wonderful conversations. Please see

Carol Katherine Euteneier, Concordia Lutheran College

Carol passed away in October 2021 at the age of 77 years. She received a MSc in Home Economics at Concordia Lutheran College in Moorhead Minnesota, loved teaching and spent her last years in Lumsden High School. Quilting and sewing were a true passion and her work was beautiful. Carol enjoyed traveling and visited many countries and especially enjoyed River Cruises and spending time in Mazatlan with her sister and family. She will be missed by her family and friends. She possessed a keen sense of humour and her positive take on all of life's ups and downs. For more information about Carol, please visit

Staying Connected

This newsletter does not exist without you!

Please send in updates, story ideas and pictures to Erin at


You can help ensure that the former Home Economics program, and you, its graduates, can celebrate your many successes for years to come by contributing to the newly started Home Economics Legacy Fund. Proceeds from this fund will go towards planning and hosting a variety of events for Home Economics alumni and friends. To make your contribution please go to and in the comments section please make a note that you would like your donation to be placed to the Home Economics Legacy Fund with the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition.


Published by:

Jason Belhumeur 
Communications and Alumni Relations Specialist 
Pharmacy and Nutrition 
University of Saskatchewan 

Phone: 306-966-2502