Dr. Jane Alcorn, Professor and Dean

From buckets of rain, to scorching dry heat, to overnight lows of 3°C, Saskatchewan is predictable in its wildly changing weather patterns. So to have the halls of CoPN changed – once bustling with students, faculty, and staff and now quieter as the 2023-2024 academic term ended and everyone is enjoying time away from the rigours of their teaching or study.
Although focus this spring and summer has been principally on research and preparation for the next academic term, the College has had some special events, celebrations, and honors in this time that we would like to share with you. Please enjoy.
medSask's 50th anniversary
Thursday June 20th 2024
The University of Saskatchewan and the Government of Saskatchewan held a special funding announcement and celebration for medSask on Thursday, June 20, 2024 on the USask campus. At the event, it was announced that the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health is providing nearly $1M in funding to medSask this year. Following the announcement, they helped celebrate medSask's 50th anniversary of supporting healthcare in Saskatchewan.
International Social Pharmacy Workshop
The 22nd ISPW in Banf
The 22nd International Social Pharmacy Workshop (ISPW) conference was held July 7th-11th, 2024 at the Banff Centre; this was the first time ISPW was ever held in Canada. The University of Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy & Nutrition co-hosted the conference with the University of Alberta Faculty of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, with Jason Perepelkin (USask) & Lisa Guirguis (UAlberta) co-chairing the conference. Over the 2 years leading up to ISPW 2024 Lisa and Jason put in hundreds of hours planning this conference.
Usask Employee Appreciation Picnic
Tuesday June 25th 2024
The Usask Employee Appreciation Picnic was a great success today. The faculty, staff, and families of the College of Pharmacy & Nutrition had a wonderful time. The event is an opportunity for all of us to come together to acknowledge our many accomplishments over the past year and celebrate the contributions we make to making USask the university the world needs.
Bioanalytical Expertise and Training Hub
New Website
The Bioanalytical Expertise and Training Hub caters to a diverse group of high-quality personnel, including M. Sc. and Ph.D. students, undergraduate students, visiting students and scholars, postdoctoral fellows, research assistants, research associates, technicians, and faculty members.
Allison Cammer - Award
USask honours 2024 teaching award winners
Dr. Allison Cammer (PhD), Registered Dietitian, Assistant Professor, Human Nutrition, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition
"Some of the most important lessons can’t be directly taught, they need to be experienced. Learning can be intimidating, and it requires trust. With that in mind, try to create a respectful space where it is safe to fail. If it isn’t safe place to fail, it isn’t a comfortable place to authentically engage.
40th Pharmacy Class Reunion
The Pharmacy class of 83' Celebrated
The Pharmacy class of 83' celebrated thier 40th reunion with a tour of the USask Campus, and speak about the creation of the "Class of '83 Spirit Award," an annual award recognizing a final-year pharmacy student who demonstrates exceptional support to the College, the University, and the community.
Gordon Zello - Assistant Dean
July 1st 2024
Dr. Gordon Zello will assumed the role of Assistant Dean, Nutrition beginning July 1, 2024. When meeting with the Search Committee, Dr. Zello provided a very thoughtful and clear vision for the division, was very well-prepared for the interview, and clearly demonstrated his strong commitment and advocacy for the nutrition program during the interview process. The committee's vote was unanimously in favour of recommending Dr. Zello as Assistant Dean.
Brian Bandy - Thank you
Passing the reins to the next Assistant Dean
The College celebrates Brian Bandy’s time as Assistant Dean Nutrition thanking him for his leadership and commitment to the Division. This commitment involved a significant learning curve, but his efforts and consistent advocacy for both the Division and College were highly appreciated. Brian will soon pass the reins to the next Assistant Dean so that he can focus his time and effort on his passion, research. Thank you, Brian!
CPERC 2024 award winners
Almost 300 delegates from pharmacy faculties across Canada connected with colleagues and friends in Québec City for AFPC’s Canadian Pharmacy Education and Research Conference (CPERC), June 11-14 at the Delta Québec Hotel. CPERC 2024 was co-hosted by Université Laval and Université de Montréal.
Yvonne Shevchuk - AFPC Honoured Life Membership
Jane Alcorn – 2023-2034 AFPC Past President Award
Amy Soubulsky - 2024 AFPC-CFP Graduate Student Award for Pharmacy Practice Research
CARA Innovation Award
Canadian Association of Research Administrators 2024
College research facilitator Gen Clark and colleagues Ann-Marie Field (UQAM) and Brandi Povitz (UCalgary) were presented with the 2024 Innovation Award at the Canadian Association of Research Administrators (CARA) annual conference in Calgary.
Convocation Award Recipients
Pharmacy and Nutrition Award Recipients 2024
Established in 1907, the University of Saskatchewan has a long history of excellence. USask is one of the top research-intensive, medical doctoral universities in Canada. Our graduates, recognized for their strong work ethic, resourceful nature and determination, are leading change here at home and around the world.
Published by:
Jason Belhumeur
Communications and Alumni Relations Specialist
Pharmacy and Nutrition
University of Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-966-2502