Bioanalytical Expertise and Training Hub
Working on theoretical knowledge and practical skills
By Jason BelhumeurLearn about the Hub
The Bioanalytical Expertise and Training Hub provides comprehensive theoretical and practical (hands-on) training for long-term users of thier instruments. The philosophy emphasizes empowering users to conduct their own experiments, with a team available to assist when issues arise.
New trainees receive personalized one-on-one hands-on training. The research manager collaborates with each trainee on their project, educating them about the instrument, method development, and analytical workflows. Additional support for experimental design and troubleshooting is provided by Dr. El-Aneed. Trainees also have the option to enroll in an advanced graduate course in Bioanalytical Mass Spectrometry, offered annually.
The aim is to equip trainees with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to perform their own analyses and independently handle data interpretation. In 2024, they established an informal analytical discussion group under the guidance of research manager Deborah Michel. This group meets biweekly to discuss various topics and troubleshoot HPLC and MS analyses, attracting 15 to 30 HQPs and faculty members per session.
Visit the new Bioanalytical Expertise and Training Hub Website to learn more.