College of Pharmacy and Nutrition

From the Desk of the Dean

Spring 2024


Dr. Jane Alcorn, Professor and Dean

The end of the term is upon us, and the College is ramping up for an active Spring and Summer of research and scholarly work, student training, professional development, course updates, and curriculum review activities.

As you can see, Faculty, Staff, and students do not necessarily slow down with the end of an Academic Year, but rather redirect their attention on other worthwhile pursuits until the busy term 1 of the new 2024-2025 Academic Year besets us. The College has much to be proud of this past 2023-2024 year. With substantive funding awards, well-deserved honors, and students proudly showcasing their work, this edition of the ‘From the Desk of the Dean’ will surely ‘strike a chord’ in our readers.

Below are highlights of the college compiled by our Communications Specialist, Jason Belhumeur. Enjoy! 



End of Term Lunch

College of Pharmacy & Nutrition

Thank you to everyone that came to enjoy the End of Term College Lunch! It was a perfect day with great food and smiling faces. A big thank you to Erin and Simone for planning such a great event. 

2024 GSA Annual Award GALA

Congratulations Mojtaba Shafiee

Congratulations Mojtaba Shafiee for the Honorarium GSA Award - Research Excellence in STEM: Medical Science and Public Health! GSA Annual Award GALA, was held at Hotel Delta Bessbrough, Saskatoon, on April 27, 2024. Mojtaba Shafiee is a PhD candidate at the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, working under the supervision of Dr. Hassan Vatanparast.

2024 Life & Health Sciences Research Expo

Acknowledging exemplary research and learning at the University of Saskatchewan

On May 2, 2024, the University of Saskatchewan (USask) community gathered to celebrate outstanding research, collaboration, and mentorship within the health sciences at the annual Life & Health Sciences Research Expo. More than 100 research poster presentations were held throughout the day in the Health Sciences Building and adjudicated by volunteers with a PhD or equivalent degree. The expo concluded with an award ceremony where USask Vice-President Research Dr. Baljit Singh (PhD) delivered welcome remarks and highlighted the impact and potential of the dynamic research taking place through the University of Saskatchewan. 

Our Winners

Nutrition 30-year reunion

College Tour

Congratulations Nutrition class of 1994! We had several alumni gather to celebrate their 30-year reunion. Dr. Allison Cammer, Dietetics Program Director, was pleased to greet them and give them a tour of the College.

Master of Clinical Pharmacy program in Psychiatry

Introducing a new program

Introduced by Associate Professor Katelyn Halpape and Professor David Blackburn, the two-year program begins with online courses that build on foundational knowledge in clinical pharmacy, including a unique psychopharmacotherapy course. It progresses to hands-on clinical rotations in various psychiatric settings under expert guidance. 

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Student Project Showcase 2024

Nutrition 330 & 430

Nutrition 330 & 430 Student Project Showcase 2024 was a ‘come and go’ live event to see an impressive display of student projects including: Handouts about cultural foods & Practice-based projects from across all areas of Nutrition and Dietetics. A special thank you to all preceptors involved with this year’s student projects!

Seed Fund Grant

Seed Fund grant awarded to Dr. Kelsey Cochrane

Congratulations to Dr. Kelsey Cochrane of the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition as the recipient of an 18-month $5,000 research grant. The Seed Grant awarded funding for the project “Does provision of prenatal milk expression kits improve breastfeeding rates and birth outcomes? A retrospective case-control chart review”.

Dr. Cochrane is looking into breastfeeding and birth outcomes of pregnant individuals before and after the standardized provision of More Milk Sooner prenatal milk expression kits at the obstetrical practice of Dr. T Yen in North Battleford, SK.

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Ministry of Health Funding

USask Chronic Pain Clinic secures $1.36M annual funding boost

In a landmark development for chronic pain treatment in Saskatchewan, the Ministry of Finance has announced the approved funding of $1.36 million of annual funding for the USask Chronic Pain Clinic (UCPC). This significant financial allocation, facilitated by the provincial Ministry of Health, will ensure the continuation of a vital healthcare service offered at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) campus to individuals living with chronic pain across the province of Saskatchewan.

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Mitakye Owasin Award 2024

Congratulations to Calista Fendelet

Calista Fendelet is a Second Year Pharmacy Student in the Doctor of Pharmacy program, and a Citizen of the Metis Nation of Saskatchewan. Before entering this program, Calista received her Bachelor in Science majoring in Physiology and Pharmacology with a minor in Psychology at the UofS.

"I think empowering and supporting Indigenous students to pursue careers in healthcare is essential to integrate our unique perspectives into improving the quality of patient-care while eliminating barriers in the healthcare system, creating a positive impact for everyone. That’s why I’m grateful and appreciative for scholarship opportunities like this." Calista stated.

Advanced Prescribing Certificate

$137,000 for Pharmacist Scope of Practice Expansion

Today Dr. Jane Alcorn, Dean of the College, welcomed the Honourable Gordon S. Wyant, K.C., Minister of Advanced Education, Government of Saskatchewan, to give a special announcement of funding awarded for the development of a new training program at USask. The continuing education program for Advanced Prescribing will enable licensed, practising pharmacists to become authorized to prescribe and manage medication for a variety of diagnosed chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), obesity, heart failure, and hypertension.

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2024 Academic Awards Ceremony

Recognizing academic and professional excellence

The Academic Awards Ceremony is held every year to recognize the academic and professional excellence of students. The 2024 Ceremony was a great success.

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SK Agriculture Funding

$209,000 Congratulations to Dr. Randy Purves (PhD) awarded $209,000

Congratulations to Dr. Randy Purves (PhD), Adjunct Professor, College of Pharmacy and Nutrition! Randy is a funding recipient of a $209,000 Saskatchewan Agriculture grant exploring biochemical diversity in faba beans. The primary objectives of this study are to investigate the biochemical diversity present in faba beans and their seed coats with the aim of uncovering potential added value.

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Dairy Research Funding

Dr. Hassan Vatanparast awarded $900,000

Congratulations Dr. Hassan Vatanparast! USask researchers were recently awarded $900,000 by Dairy Farmers of Canada (Dairy Research Cluster 4) and Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada (AAFC) to investigate the role of milk and yogurt supplementation in the development of osteoporosis and obesity.

Nourishing minds through research

Dr. Jessica Lieffers (PhD) leads NUTRITION 230 through the FYRE initiative

In the heart of the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, Dr. Jessica Lieffers (PhD), a seasoned associate professor and registered dietitian, is excited to be involved in a transformative journey for future dietitians, for the sixth year in a row. Through the NUTR 230 course at USask, nutrition students dive into the First Year Research Experience (FYRE) initiative, guiding them towards an understanding of data gathering and research in their field.

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Published by:

Jason Belhumeur 
Communications and Alumni Relations Specialist 
Pharmacy and Nutrition 
University of Saskatchewan 

Phone: 306-966-2502