Advanced Prescribing Certificate Announcement
$137,000 for Pharmacist Scope of Practice Expansion at the University of Saskatchewan
By Jason BelhumeurToday Dr. Jane Alcorn, Dean of the College, welcomed the Honourable Gordon S. Wyant, K.C., Minister of Advanced Education, Government of Saskatchewan, to give a special announcement of funding awarded for the development of a new training program at USask.
The continuing education program for Advanced Prescribing will enable licensed, practising pharmacists to become authorized to prescribe and manage medication for a variety of diagnosed chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), obesity, heart failure, and hypertension.
This announcement included speakers, Danielle Larocque, Associate Director, USask CPE, and medSask. Tania Schroeder, President, SCPP Council and pharmacist, and Charity Evans, Associate Dean, Academic; Director, CPE and medSask.
The program is currently being developed and is projected to launch in 2024-25.
Read more about this on the Government of Saskatchewan's website.
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Advanced Education
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Daniel Hallen
University of Saskatchewan
Phone: 306-966-6922
Email: daniel.hallen@usask.ca