Once again it is time to provide a quick update to the happenings in the College. At the start of the New Year, the College welcomed a new Communications and Alumni Specialist, Jason Belhumeur. Check out our social media feeds and the College website and you will see some of the great work Jason is doing.
Our students hosted Professional Development Week. Congratulations to all our hardworking student leaders and volunteers for a highly successful event. Not surprisingly, students in the College continue to receive notice for their achievements – read more about our featured students below. And not to forget about our alumni – former Dean Dennis Gorecki was the recipient of the USP’s Beal Award for his unwavering service and dedication over the years to the U.S. Pharmacopeia.
We appreciate all that our alumni do for the College, whether that involves donations for student awards or scholarships or the many hours of dedicated service to student precepting. Thank you, alumni! Please enjoy the highlights below.