College of Pharmacy and Nutrition


Dr. Kelsey Cochrane is an Assistant Professor of Nutrition in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. She completed her in B.Sc. in Nutrition and Dietetic Practicum at the University of Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan Health Authority in 2014. Dr. Cochrane practiced as a Registered Dietitian in Saskatoon from 2014-2018 in clinical and industry roles. She completed her Ph.D. in Human Nutrition at the University of British Columbia in 2023, focusing on clinical trials, maternal nutrition, human milk, and developmental origins of health and disease.

Dr. Cochrane is currently recruiting MSc and/or PhD students in Nutrition. Current positions available: 

PhD project: PREconception Folic Acid Clinical Efficacy trial (PREFACE)

Research Interests

Dr. Cochrane’s research program aims to advance nutritional practices and health outcomes for pregnant individuals and their babies. Her research expertise centers around perinatal nutrition, micronutrient supplementation, human milk, and clinical trials. She is interested in how maternal nutrition impacts the nutritional and bioactive components of human milk, how human milk composition influences infant development and health outcomes, and optimizing infant formula composition. Her research also contributes to program development and public policy which improves breastfeeding equity and access to human milk.

Selected Publications

Cochrane KM, Elango R, Devlin AM, Mayer C, Hutcheon JA, Karakochuk CD. Supplementation with (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid appears as effective as folic acid in maintaining maternal folate status while reducing unmetabolized folic acid in maternal plasma: A randomized trial of pregnant women in Canada. In press; Br J Nutr 2023. https://doi:10.1017/S0007114523001733

Cochrane KM, Bone JN, Williams BA, Karakochuk CD. Optimizing vitamin D status in polycystic ovary syndrome: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis. In press; Nutr Rev 2023.

Cochrane KM, Elango R, Devlin AM, Mayer C, Hutcheon JA, Karakochuk CD. Human milk folate profile is altered by supplemental folate form: An ancillary study of (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid versus synthetic folic acid. Scientific Reports 2023; 13(1):11298.

Cochrane KM, Hutcheon JA, Karakochuk CD. Iron deficiency prevalence and supplementation practices among pregnant women: A secondary data analysis from a clinical trial in Vancouver, Canada. J Nutr 2022; 152(10):2238-44.

Cochrane KM, Williams BA, Elango R, Barr SI, Karakochuk CD. Pregnancy-induced alterations of one-carbon metabolism and significance for maternal nutrition requirements. Nutr Rev 2022; 80(9):1985-2001.

Cochrane KM, Hutcheon JA, Karakochuk CD. Strategies for improving recruitment of pregnant women to clinical research: An evaluation of social media versus traditional offline methods in Vancouver, Canada. Digital Health 2022; 8:1-10.