College of Pharmacy and Nutrition

Teaching Responsibilities

Undergraduate topics in Therapeutics, specifically self-medication and nonprescription drugs.

Research Interests

Self-medication; factors influencing patient counseling; patient education

Recent research studies have focused on the consumer-pharmacist interface during sale of OTCs.


*NOTE: Currently not taking grad students*


Recent Publications

Nakhla N, Houle S, Taylor J. Treatment of heartburn: A survey of Ontario and Quebec community pharmacists. Pharmacy (mdpi) 2024; 12: 81

Nakhla N and Taylor J. Self-care and Minor Ailments: The View from Canada. Explor Res Clin Soc Pharm 2024; 13: 100412.

Taylor J et al. When patients should seek medical care for minor ailments: Perspectives of first- and final-year pharmacy students. Pharm Educ 2023 (1): 479-90.

Taylor J, Ayosanmi S, Sansgiry S, Perepelkin J. Consumer likelihood to seek information on OTC medicines. Pharmacy (mdpi) 2023, 11, 128.

Ayosanmi S, Delbaere M, Taylor J. Development of a Propensity to Self-Medicate with Over-the-Counter Medicines Scale (PSM-OTC). Innov Pharm 2022; 13 (3): 1-10 (article 7).

Taylor J, Ayosanmi S, Sansgiry S. Consumer impressions of the safety and effectiveness of OTC medicines. Pharmacy (mdpi) 2023; 11: 1-11.

Ayosanmi S et al. Prevalence and Correlates of Self-Medication Practices for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19: A Systematic Review. Antibiotics 2022; 11: 808.

Taylor J, Mansell H, Perepelkin J, Larocque D. Ranking of curricular content by pharmacy students and community pharmacists. Pharmacy 2022; 10; 71. 

Nakhla N, Black E, Abdul-Fattah H, Taylor J. Self Care Education across Canadian pharmacy schools: Curriculum survey findings. Canadian Pharm Journal 2021; 154: online paging.

Taylor J. Timeline to see a physician for symptoms -- Confidence and advice-seeking tendencies. SelfCare J 2019; 10 (3): 93-104.

Taylor J, Blackburn D, Evans C, Landry E. Timeline to See a Physician for Symptoms: Perspective of the Public. SelfCare 2019; 10 (3): 57-69. 

Taylor J. Timeline to See a Physician for Symptoms: Perspective of Pharmacists and Physicians. SelfCare 2019; 10 (3): 70-78.

Taylor J and Rocchi M. The Art and Science of Counselling Patients on Minor Ailments / OTC Medicines. SelfCare J 2018; 9 (3): 1-20.

Taylor J and Mansell K. Patient Feedback on Pharmacist Prescribing for Minor Ailmentsin a Canadian Province. Innov Pharm 2017; 8 (1): Article 17.

Rafferty E, Yaghoubi M, Taylor J, Farag M. Costs and savings associated with a pharmacist prescribing program for minor ailments in Saskatchewan. BMC Cost Effect Res Alloc 2017; 15 (3): Open access.

Taylor J. Patient perspectives on symptom severity. SelfCare 2016; 7(4): 10-17. 

Taylor J and Joubert R. Pharmacist-led minor ailment programs: a Canadian perspective. Int J Gen Med 2016; 9: 291-302. 

Taylor J. Minor ailment prescribing: Part II – physician feedback. SelfCare 2016; 7(1):22-40.

Taylor J and Mansell K. Minor ailment prescribing: Part I – pharmacist feedback. SelfCare 2016; 7(1): 10-21. 

Mansell K, Bootsman N, Kuntz A and Taylor J. Evaluating pharmacist prescribing for minor ailments.  Int J Pharm Pract; 2014; June: 1-6 (online).

Bootsman N and Taylor J. The requirement for a patient’s self-diagnosis within the minor ailments prescribing process in a Canadian province. A commentary. SelfCare 2014; 5: 2-10.