Jason Perepelkin BA, BComm, MSc, PhD
Associate ProfessorAssociate Member, Edwards School of Business, Department of Management and Marketing
Teaching Responsibilities
Social, behavioural, and managerial aspects of pharmacy including leadership, marketing, management, strategy, human resources and organizational behaviour, conflict management, burnout and work engagement, entrepreneurship, management and professional communications, and health and pharmaceutical policy.
Research Interests
Burnout and work engagement, patient experiences with IV ketamine, 2SLGBTQIA+ symbolism in pharmacies, pharmacy owner succession planning, patient-reported experience measures, organizational theory and behaviour, management of/in pharmacies, marketing and branding of professionals, consumer behaviour, services marketing, social marketing, academic detailing, and pharmaceutical marketing.
Potential Graduate Students
If you are interested in working with Dr. Perepelkin, please contact him via email to discuss the possibility of taking you on as a graduate student. Please include a 1-2 page summary of your interests and potential projects/areas of research.
Select Publications
(See more on Google Scholar)
Perepelkin, J., Halpape, K., Hantjidis, P.^, and Robison, K^. (2025). Inside the journey: A qualitative study of intravenous ketamine therapy for treatment-resistant depression. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports. 20(April). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadr.2025.100886
Kiriazopoulos, S., Perepelkin, J., and Alford, H. (2025). Prescription for Change: Unveiling Burnout Perspectives Among Pharmacy Leaders. Canadian Pharmacists Journal. 158(2), 98-109. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/17151635241293785
Perepelkin, J., & Wilson, G. (2023). The mediating role of burnout in the anxiety and work engagement relationship. Journal of Health Management. 25(4), 860-869. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/09720634231215143
Taylor, J., Ayosanmi, S., Sansgiry, S. S., & Perepelkin, J. (2023). Likelihood to Seek Information on OTC Medicines. Pharmacy. 11, 4. DOI: 10.3390/pharmacy11040128
Wilson, G. A., & Perepelkin, J. (2022). Failure learning orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and financial performance among US biotechnology firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 60(4), 786-804. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00472778.2020.1816434
Wilson, G. A., Perepelkin, J., and Zhang, D. (2022). Improving pharmacy performance through market orientation and the implementation of expanded pharmacy services. Health Marketing Quarterly. 39(3), 280-296. DOI: 10.1080/07359683.2022.2073802
Wilson, G. A., Perepelkin, J., and Zhang, D. (2020). The roles of diversification and specialization strategies in the entrepreneurial orientation and performance relationship. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship. 32(5), 457-476.
Ulrich, E., Hurdelbrink, J., Perepelkin, J., & Welter, K. (2019). Financial incentive required for pharmacy students to accept a post-graduation position in rural and undesirable pharmacy settings. Pharmacy, 7(3), 109.
Perepelkin, J, Antunes, K, Boechler, L, Remillard, AJ, and Mildenberger, L. (2019). Providing mindfulness meditation for patients with depression and anxiety in a community pharmacy: A pilot study. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. 59(2), 258-264.
Perepelkin, J. (2019). Marketing Pharmacy Services. In Encyclopedia of Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Practice. pp. 157-164. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Perepelkin, J and Wilson, G. A. (2018). Incentivizing Choice of Community Pharmacy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. 9(4), 347-359.
Perepelkin, J. (2017) Implementation and evaluation of a marketing for pharmacists elective course. Pharmacy Education. 17(1), 199-206.
Woods, P., Perepelkin, J., Mey, A., Gapp, R., and King, M. (2016). Student perceptions of learning through an international comparison. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 80 (10), Article 173.
Perepelkin, J. & Abramovic, M. (2016). Public Education Campaigns to Transform Perceptions of Pharmacists: Are they Worth the Investment? Health Communication, 37 (7), 833-844, doi: 10.1080/10410236.2015.1007552
Alzahrani, F., Taylor, J., Perepelkin, J., & Mansell, K. (2015). A Qualitative Assessment of the Practice Experiences of Certified Diabetes Educator Pharmacists. Canadian Journal of Diabetes, 39 (4), 254-258, doi:10.1016/j.jcjd.2014.11.004
Boechler, L., Despins, R., Holmes, J., Northey, J., Sinclair, C., Walliser, M., & Perepelkin, J. (2015). Advocacy in Pharmacy: Changing “what is” into “what should be”. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 148 (3), 138-141, doi: 10.1177/1715163515577693
Perepelkin, J. & Zhang, D. (2014). Quality Alone is Not Enough to be Trustworthy: The Mediating Role of Sincerity Perception. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 8 (2), 226-242, doi: 10.1108/IJPHM-02-2013-0006.
Wilson, G. A., Perepelkin, J., Zhang, D., & Vachon, M. A. (2014). Market Orientation, Alliance Orientation, and Business Performance in the Biotechnology Industry. Journal of Commercial Biotechnology, 20 (2), 30-38, doi:10.5912/jcb645.
Perepelkin, J. (2014). Marketing – Why Pharmacists Should Not Think of it as a Dirty Word. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 147 (1), 15-19, doi: 10.1177/1715163513513866.
Black, E., Wilby, K. J., & Perepelkin, J. (2013). A survey of HIV knowledge and attitudes of pharmacy students in Canada and Qatar. Saudi Journal for Health Sciences, 2, 146-150, doi: 10.4103/2278-0521.127038
Perepelkin, J. (2012). Redesign of a Required Undergraduate Pharmacy Management Course to Improve Student Engagement and Concept Retention. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education. 76 (10), Article 201.
Dobson, R. & Perepelkin, J. (2011). Pharmacy Ownership in Canada: Implications for the Authority and Autonomy of Community Pharmacy Managers. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 7 (4), 347-358,doi:10.1016/j.sapharm.2010.10.005.
Mansell, K. & Perepelkin, J. (2011). Patient Awareness of Specialized Services Provided in Community Pharmacies.Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 7 (4), 396-405, doi:10.1016/j.sapharm.2010.10.004.
Perepelkin, J. & Zhang, D. (2011). Brand Personality and Trust in Community Pharmacies. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 5 (3), 175-193, doi: 10.1108/17506121111172194.
Perepelkin, J. (2011). Public Perceptions of Pharmacists and Pharmacist Prescribing. Canadian Pharmacists Journal,144 (2), 86-93, doi:10.3821/1913-701X-144.2.86.
Perepelkin, J. & Dobson, R. (2010). Influence of Ownership Type on Community Pharmacy Managers. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 6 (4), 280-292, doi:10.1016/j.sapharm.2009.11.001.
Perepelkin, J. & Dobson, R. (2009). A Qualitative Inquiry Into the Practice Experiences of Community Pharmacy Managers. Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 142 (2), 89-95, doi: 10.3821/1913-701X-142.2.89.
Perepelkin, J. & Dobson, R. (2008). How Does Ownership Type Influence the Role Orientation and Professional Autonomy of Community Pharmacy Managers? Canadian Pharmacists Journal, 141 (2), 95-97, doi: 10.3821/1913-701X(2008)141[95:HDOTIT]2.0.CO;2.
Perepelkin, J. & Dobson, R. (2007). Perceptions of Saskatchewan Community Pharmacists Regarding a Prior-Authorization Program. Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy, 13 (7), 589-597.