Trainee spotlight: Waleed Mohammed-Saeid

Waleed’s research involves the design and development of different lipid-based drug delivery systems and related analytical and characterization strategies.


Waleed Mohammed-Saeid is a PhD candidate in Pharmacy. He received his Bachelor’s degree in pharmaceutical sciences from King Saud University, Saudi Arabia and his MSc in Pharmacy from the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition. He received a full scholarship from Taibah University, Saudi Arabia for his post-graduate studies, where he is a lecturer. In fact, Waleed also contributed to teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in our college. During his studies here, Waleed has served as a graduate student representative on several committees, including the search committee for Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Affairs and the Capital Equipment Committee. Waleed has served terms as vice-chair and chair-elect of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists University of Saskatchewan Student Chapter.


Waleed’s research involves the design and development of different lipid-based drug delivery systems and related analytical and characterization strategies. His work covers a wide range of applications, including physiochemical stability; cancer-targeting gene delivery systems; and β-cyclodextrin-based lipid formulations for poorly soluble drugs. Waleed is currently working on publishing his PhD research as well as an in vivo toxicity assessment of a delivery system for melanoma therapy.


Michel D, Mohammed-Saeid W, Getson H, et al. Evaluation of β-cyclodextrin-modified gemini surfactant-based delivery systems in melanoma models. International Journal of Nanomedicine 2016; 11:6703.

Al-Dulaymi MA, Chitanda JM, Mohammed-Saeid W, et al. Di-Peptide-Modified Gemini Surfactants as Gene Delivery Vectors: Exploring the Role of the Alkyl Tail in Their Physicochemical Behavior and Biological Activity. The AAPS journal 2016; 18:1168-81.

Willems JL, Khamis MM, Mohammed-Saeid W, Randy W. Purves, et al. Analysis of a series of chlorogenic acid isomers using differential ion mobility and tandem mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta 2016; 933:164-74.

Singh J, Mohammed-Saeid W, Kaur R, Badea I. Nanoparticles in gene therapy: From design to clinical applications. Reviews in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2013; 2:275-99. 5.             

Mohammed-Saeid W, Michel D, El-Aneed A, Verrall RE, Low NH, Badea I. Development of lyophilized gemini surfactant-based gene delivery systems: influence of lyophilization on the structure, activity and stability of the lipoplexes. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 2012; 15:548-67.