Nutrition Research Day 2016
The annual Dietitians of Canada Saskatchewan Research Day was held on Thursday, April 21, in the Health Sciences Building at the University of Saskatchewan (U of S). The day highlighted and celebrated the fourth year nutrition students' practice-based research project presentations, and featured presentations by leading experts in food and nutrition.
Keynote speaker Patricia Chuey (BScNutri, 1989; MSc, 1994), RD, FDC discussed how to market and brand yourself as a Registered Dietitian and entrepreneur. In her presentation “Building your ‘brand’ as a dietitian” she spoke about her own experiences and challenges throughout her career, and offered advice for the soon to be graduates.
A professional presentation by Allison Cammer (BScNutri, 1997; BA, 2003; MSc, 2007), RD focussed on nutrition and dementia. Her presentation “Nutrition and dementia: What do RDs need to know?” included background on her work at the Rural and Remote Memory Clinic.
The following research projects were presented by the students to an audience of over 80 people:
- Nutrition and mental health - Evaluation of KidsFirst home visiting staff understanding and awarenessAmanda Kilduff, Caitlyn Davidson
- Nutrition screening and assessment tools in long term care in the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region and Sun Country Health Region Jennifer Chan, Kayla Rustad, Christina Wist
- LiveWell men's cooking class program evaluation Emily Andreuik, Nicole Dyck, Chrissa Karagiannis, Michele Sheikh
- Dietary and pharmaceutical strategies for patients with short bowel syndrome Courtney Berg, Sarah Bunko, Janell Zahn
- An audit of the clinical nutrition practices of hospitalized adults admitted to medical wards with Inflammatory Bowel Disease within the Saskatoon Health Region Lexie Schiller, Stephanie Brooks, Shelby Sestak
- Gestational diabetes: Lifestyle interventions of women postpartum GDM Paige Hayes, Allie Smorodin, Susie Sun
Congratulations to the Nutrition Class of 2016 on completing their internships!