Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Nuclear Chemistry or Radiopharmacy
The University of Saskatchewan invites applications from outstanding scholars for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in one of the following areas
- Nuclear Chemistry. The successful candidate will have a PhD in Chemistry or a closely-related discipline, preferably with on-site experience at a cyclotron facility. The new Chair will build an internationally-recognized research program in the use of radioisotopes. Appropriate areas of research include: synthesis of novel imaging probes, metabolic tracers, or radiopharmaceuticals for applications in animal, human and plant health and physiology, and novel techniques in radiolabeling. The Chair will participate in and foster cross-campus collaborations in nuclear imaging.
- Radiopharmacy. The successful candidate will have a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences or a closely-related discipline, and experience in radiopharmaceutical production or applications. Appropriate areas of research include: pharmacokinetics and dynamics, radiopharmaceutical design and synthesis for positron emission tomography or a related field bridging the chemical and life sciences through functional imaging. The Chair will be expected to participate in collaborative medical imaging programs in the integrated Health Sciences Building and across campus.
The eligible candidate will have completed his or her PhD within the last ten years; is emerging as a nationally or internationally recognized scholar demonstrating a strong potential for attracting competitively awarded research funding; and should have an exceptional track record of research and experience in interdisciplinary research partnerships. The selected candidate will be appointed in either the Department of Chemistry, College of Arts & Science or in the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition at an academic rank commensurate with experience, and will be nominated for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair. The Canada Research Chairs Program is the flagship of a national strategy to make Canada one of the world's top countries in research and development (www.chairs-chaires.gc.ca). The Chair will also contribute to both undergraduate and graduate education and training.
The University of Saskatchewan is committed to enhance the university’s national and global research standing. The University of Saskatchewan campus is home to leading-edge research infrastructure, including a soon-to-be-completed 24 MeV cyclotron and radioisotope production facility operated by the Sylvia Fedoruk Canadian Centre for Nuclear Innovation (www.fedorukcentre.ca), the Canadian Light Source national synchrotron facility (www.lightsource.ca), the Saskatchewan Structural Sciences Centre, a state-of-the-art Health Sciences facility, a comprehensive array of human, veterinary, and agricultural research and teaching programs, the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization (VIDO-InterVac; www.vido.org) with its level 3 containment facilities, and National Research Council and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada research centres.
Salary bands for this post are as follows: Assistant Professor - $86,844 – $104,357; Associate Professor - $104,357 - $121,871 and Professor - $121,871 - $142,303. This position comes with a comprehensive benefits package which includes pension plan, life insurance (compulsory and voluntary), academic long-term disability, sick leave, travel insurance, death benefit, dental plan, extended health and vision care plan, employee assistance program and flexible health and wellness spending program. The competition is currently open and applications will be reviewed beginningDecember 15, 2014. Please send a curriculum vitae, letter of introduction, a summary of proposed research, contact information for three referees, and a statement of teaching interests, in confidence, to: Co-Chairs of the CRC Search Committee, Drs. Kishor M. Wasan and David Palmer by email in care of Jacqueline.huck@usask.ca or by mail to: 3122-104 Clinic Place, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, S7N 2Z4, Canada.
The University of Saskatchewan is strongly committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace that empowers all employees to reach their full potential. All members of the university community share a responsibility for developing and maintaining an environment in which differences are valued and inclusiveness is practiced. The university welcomes applications from those who will contribute to the diversity of our community. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.