Most EL rotations take place in Saskatchewan. However, in Year 4, students complete PHAR 483 and PHAR 484 elective rotations in a variety of different settings, which may include out of province opportunities.
Students interested in pursuing an out of province elective rotation must acknowledge that it is their responsibility to ensure they meet the rotation-specific requirements, including licensure in the respective jurisdiction, well in advance of the rotation start date.
Therefore, this webpage was created to provide general guidance to students considering an out of province opportunity. Information about rotation-specific requirements is provided to students on an annual basis and will take precedence over general information provided on this webpage.
Licensure in Other Jurisdictions
Students must independently verify their eligibility to become licensed as a pharmacy intern/pharmacy student in another jurisdiction. Information contained on the regulatory bodies' websites can be very nuanced, so students are encouraged to directly contact the regulatory body directly to seek clarification and direction on eligibility and registration requirements.
Registration Requirements
Most regulatory organizations require the registrant to provide several pieces of documentation in the registration process. Examples of documentation required may include notarized and government-issued photo identification (e.g., driver's license, passport), confirmation of enrolment, recent criminal record check, character references, Certificate of Standing, etc. In some cases, this documentation must be submitted all at once when applying.
Therefore, it is expected that students interested in out of province opportunities take the time during the preferencing period to understand the details of what will be required of them upon application. Once matches are confirmed, students should start the process of collecting this documentation early so as to not delay registration prior to their scheduled rotation. In some circumstances, this may include obtaining a second piece of government-issued photo identification, which may take a significant amount of time.
Important Links
Click the links below to access the pharmacy regulatory body registration page for the jurisdictions in which out of province opportunities may be offered.
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- Ontario (note: As of October 1, 2024, the Ontario College of Pharmacists eliminated the pharmacy student class of registration.)
- Yukon
Information about registration requirements and scope of practice in other provinces and territories can be found by clicking on the link to one of the pharmacy regulatory authorities in Canada listed in this directory.
Note: Registration requirements, timelines, and other jurisdiction-specific processes are subject to change, and frequently do. In the case that information from the regulatory body conflicts with information provided to students by the EL Office, students should follow direction given by the regulatory body so as to not delay their registration.
Scope of Practice
In Saskatchewan, undergraduate PharmD learners in EL placements are called pharmacy interns. In other provinces, an intern is a recent pharmacy graduate who is practicing with a conditional license before becoming a full pharmacist. In these cases, PharmD learners in EL placements may be referred to as pharmacy students.
Students should carefully read through information on the regulatory body's website to understand the nomenclature relevant to that jurisdiction and, when practicing in that jursidication, only refer to themselves as such. Understanding how undergraduate PharmD learners in EL placements are classified is crucial to interpreting the bylaws and other direction regarding scope of practice.
It is the student's responsibility to obtain and review information regarding the pharmacy student's/pharmacy intern's scope of practice in that jursidiction. Students should not make the assumption that scope of practice in Saskatchewan translates to other provinces and territories. Students must follow the bylaws and other guidance documents that govern pharmacy practice in the jurisdiction in which they are practicing.
For example, a student may have authority to provide injections in Saskatchewan without CPR/First Aid, but will not meet the eligibilty requirements for this scope of practice in Alberta where CPR/First Aid is a prerequisite requirement to provide immunizations.
Insurance and Workers' Compensation Board (WCB)
WCB is a collective liability no-fault protection plan that provides coverage to students placed with a "work-placement employer" (i.e. an EL site) in Saskatchewan.
USask has standing agreements with select provinces outside of Saskatchewan regarding transference of WCB coverage. Students should proactively contact the EL Office with questions about the eligibility and status of their WCB coverage for out of province rotations.
Note that the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition strongly recommends that students check into any other personal accident and injury insurance they may possess, including through the USSU or as a dependent on family member or spouse's plan. Students may wish to consider purchasing additional insurance.
It is always the responsibilty of the student to cover any costs associated with EL, including travel and accommodation expenses. In the case of out of province opportunities, students are also responsible for the costs of registration and licensure, including any fees to obtain required documents and/or to notarize them, in some cases. These costs can vary greatly and can significantly add up.
For online transactions, payment by credit card may be required. Please plan accordingly.
Students are strongly encouraged to consider all potential costs when considering an out of province opportunity and budget accordingly. Once a rotation is scheduled by the EL Office, it is final. Students are not permitted to cancel, reschedule, or trade their assigned rotation. Accordingly, all potential costs associated with a rotation should be accounted for up front before a student preferences an out of province site with these additional considerations.
Out of Province Acknowledgement Form
A signed Out of Province Acknowledgement Form is required for each rotation. Students can find and download this form from the Document Library in CORE under the folder titled "Student Rotation Responsibilities".
Please read the instructions in this form carefully. It is to be signed and submitted only after the student has completed the registration and licensure process as a pharmacy student/intern for the duration of their out of province rotation.
Other Requirements
Proof of any other site-specific requirements requested by the EL Office must be uploaded to CORE by the stipulated deadlines. Some pieces may need to be completed well in advance of the rotation as additional time may be required to process subsequent arrangements (e.g., granting IT access, arranging accommodations, etc).
The EL Office expects students to communicate by email in a timely manner about their progress toward completing and uploading all requirements, even if this information has already been relayed to their preceptor. This decreases the chance of miscommunication and required follow up for verification.
It is not unusual for the registration process to take more than 6 weeks from the time of application. This does not account for any time a student may spend collecting supporting documentation that must be submitted with the application.
Students are strongly encouraged not to delay starting the registration process. Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to begin an out of province rotation without a certificate of registration when it is required by the jurisdiction's regulatory body.
Frequently Asked Questions
This is dependent on the nature of the rotation and determined on a case-by-case basis. Depending on the scope of practice for the rotation, the regulatory body may require learners to obtain a student/intern license to practice in that jurisdiction, even if working remotely.
It is the student's responsibility to confirm with both the site and the regulatory body whether a license is required. With any uncertainty, a student should err on the side of caution and obtain a license.
Appointments for immunization and Tuberculin Skin Tests can be booked through the Student Wellness Centre. Wait times may vary depending on the time of year, so please plan accordingly.
Students may order a copy of your Confirmation of Enrolment through the My Records channel in PAWS. Instructions are provided below.
- Log in to PAWS
- Search for the channel called “My Records” using the search bar located at the top of the page
- Select Proof of Enrolment and follow the prompts to order a copy of your Confirmation of Enrolment
If the organization requiring the record stipulates that it must be received directly from University, please reach out to
If a student is a current resident of Saskatoon and/or has a piece of ID with a Saskatoon address, they may obtain a criminal record check through the Saskatoon Police Service. Applicants residing outside of Saskatoon must have their criminal records check completed by the RCMP in the jurisdiction where they reside and/or possess a piece of ID with a corresponding address.
Students are encouraged to exercise caution when using an online criminal record check service. Some organizations will not accept this documentation as valid, so please check ahead with the regulatory body before paying for such a service.
In some instances, a criminal record check is conducted on a registrant's behalf by the regulatory authority as part of the registration process. Please review the registration requirements and details about the associated processes and timelines very carefully before obtaining a criminal record check elsewhere.
Students may obtain a Certificate of Standing via the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals (SCPP). Log in to the member portal, and find the request form under Forms and Applications. Please note there is a cost associated with this. Details can be found on SCPP's website.
Students participating in rotations outside of Saskatchewan are covered under the USask Professional Liability/Malpractice Insurance for USask Registered Students on Placement, which extends worldwide except for the USA, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
Practice sites/employers may still require pharmacy students/interns to possess their own personal professional liability insurance policy, so it is the student's responsibility to clarify with their practice site and/or regulatory authority in the jurisdiction in which they will be practicing.
A Notary Public is an individual who serves the public by deterring fraudulent signing of important documentation. A Notary can "notarize" documents by screening the signer of the document for their true identity, ensuring the signer is signing willfully, and that the signer has an awareness of the contents of the document. This is not the same as having a witness signature on a document. A Notary is appointed by the Minister of Justice.
The University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union located on the first floor of Place Riel provides notary services free of charge for undergraduate students. They are open Monday to Friday 8:30AM to 4:30PM. An appointment may be necessary. Please visit their website for details.
Those outside of Saskatoon will need to find a different Notary and should note that there is usually a cost associated with notarization. More information, including how to find a Notary, can be found here.
The EL Office makes significant efforts to encourage students to meet deadlines on time, including providing directions and guidance prior to the ranking process via this webpage and other communciations.
It is the student's responsibility to complete all requirements prior to the start of each rotation, whether in or out of province. As always, in the case that requirements are not completed on time, the rotation may be canceled, thus causing a delay in students' progression in the PharmD program.
This is not meant to penalize the student, but rather to protect them, the site, and the EL Office/University. There are significant liability risks that cannot be understated if a student were to proceed to a site without the required documentation submited and verified preemtively.
The EL Office can support students through navigating preparation for out of province rotations, but is unable to complete the required tasks on the students' behalf or request information from third parties regarding the students' status. It is therefore always the students' responsibility to maintain open communication and update the EL Office periodically regarding their progress toward completing all requirements.
In some cases, the EL Office does need to submit supporting information or documentation on a student's behalf. Processings time for this may vary, depending on the requirement and/or jurisdiction. Informing the EL Office of progress is critical to ensure all documentation is submitted on time.
Timelines may be tight around licensure and other requirements for out of province rotations, so prompt communication is essential.