New Procedures as of May 2024

The PharmD Experiential Learning absence procedures were updated in Spring 2024 in response to students' advocacy for a more compassionate approach to bereavement absences. The EL Office has revised the absence procedures to allow for excused time away from rotations for illness, compassionate leave, and professional development.

The new procedures are in effect as of May 1, 2024.


It is extremely important that students communicate their absences to the EL Office and their preceptors/practice sites for their own health and safety. Adherence to the absence procedures outlined on this page is also crucial for maintaining the quality and integrity of the PharmD EL Program.

These procedures have been carefully crafted to balance a compassionate and empathetic approach to addressing students' needs with the professional responsibilities and expectations inherent in the profession of Pharmacy. They provide a framework to address unforeseen circumstances, such as illness and personal emergencies, in a fair and organized manner.

Emphasis is placed on the importance of communication, responsibility, and collaboration between students, preceptors, practice sites, and the EL Office to uphold both student wellness and the quality of EL experiences.

Students should be aware that the EL Office often initiates outreach via email when students are absent from placements. Each student's circumstance is different, so individualized connection helps to ensure that students and preceptors have the supports needed. Students are expected to respond to these emails in a timely manner when received.

Types of Absences

Excusable Absences

Students may be excused from making up time due to these absences per the parameters in the table below. 

  • In the event of student illness, whether physical or mental
Compassionate Leave
  • In the event of the death of a family member or someone meaningful in the student’s life
  • A distressing incident or life event or personal emergency
  • In the event of illness of an individual the student is the primary caregiver for
Professional Development
  • In the event of a professional development opportunity relevant to the application of new knowledge or skills in the current rotation

Unexcused Absences

Students are expected to avoid absences related to personal matters other than those related to illness, compassionate leave, and professional development. These matters should be managed outside of scheduled rotation time.

Examples include:

  • employment
  • job or residency interviews
  • travel
  • routine medical appointments
  • other personal matters not categorized under the compassionate leave criteria

Absences from IPPE and APPE Rotations

Students are entitled to excusable absences in IPPE and APPE rotations for illness, compassionate leave, and professional development without having to make up missed time per the parameters described in the table below.

Type of Absence Criteria IPPE Rotations APPE Rotations
  • In the event of student illness, whether physical or mental
up to one (1) day per IPPE rotation up to two (2) days per APPE rotation
Compassionate Leave
  • In the event of the death of a family member or someone meaningful in the student’s life
  • A distressing incident or life event or personal emergency
  • In the event of illness of an individual the student is the primary caregiver for
Professional Development
  • In the event of a professional development opportunity relevant to the application of new knowledge or skills in the current rotation

up to two (2) days per APPE year

If students are absent due to illness or compassionate leave for more than 1 day in an IPPE rotation or more than 2 days in an APPE rotation, they are still encouraged to take the necessary time off and away from site. However, time will need to be made up on site for these additional days.

Students are entitled to a maximum of 2 days of excused absence for professional development during the APPE year. Additional days are considered unexcused absences.

Students anticipating extended time away from a placement outside of the parameters specified in the table should reach out to the Associate Director of Experiential Learning and/or the Associate Dean Academic to discuss their individual circumstances.

A PHAR 185 student has a personal emergency and takes an excused absence for compassionate leave. They are off-site for 3 days before returning. One of those days of missed time does not need to be made up, but the other two do. The student should negotiate with their preceptor how to make up that missed time prior to the last scheduled day of the rotation and let the EL Office know of their plan.

A PHAR 285 student is ill and off site for 2 days. On the first day of their absence, they do not feel well enough to work from home, so they rest. They are still symptomatic the next morning, but feel well enough to work from home, so they work on their de-identified patient care plan and check in with the preceptor virtually before lunch. They let their preceptor know they need rest again, so do not work for the afternoon. They feel better on the third day and return to site. This student has been off site for two days. One of those days is an excused absence and does not need to be made up. The student worked from home for a half day on a task relevant to their rotation and competencies expected to be demonstrated, so that time does not need to be made up. The remaining half-day when they did not work from home has to be made up. The student should negotiate with their preceptor how to make up that missed time prior to the last scheduled day of the rotation and let the EL Office know of their plan.

A PHAR 483 student is ill and unable to work off site due to the nature and/or severity of the illness. They are off site for 2 days before returning. Neither of those days of missed time need to be made up. The student then takes another excused absence for compassionate leave later in the rotation and is off for another day. They are required to make up the missed time from this day as they have already used the maximum of two days of time that do not need to be made up. The student should negotiate with their preceptor how to make up that missed time prior to the last scheduled day of the rotation and let the EL Office know of their plan.

A PHAR 482 student wants to attend Professional Development Week during their upcoming Block 5 rotation. They seek approval and make arrangements with the preceptor in advance, and also confirm with the EL Office by submitting their absence in CORE. When they return to site, they start their rotation as normal and relay relevant new knowledge from the conference to the team. Later in the rotation, the student experiences an acute illness and takes one day of illness leave. None of this time needs to be made up during this rotation.

Procedures for Absences from IPPE and APPE Rotations

If a student is ill, but well enough to work from home, they must:

  • connect with their preceptor as soon as possible to advise them if they are not going to be on site that day. 
  • submit their absence(s) daily in CORE.
  • work with their preceptor/instructor to discuss which activities are reasonable to complete at home and come up with an agreed upon plan for the time away from site.
    • Off-site activities must be relevant to the rotation and contribute to achievement of the expected level in competencies the student is expected to demonstrate.
    • Examples may include working on projects or presentations, working on de-identified care plans, completing drug information questions, participating in virtual discussions or meetings, etc.
    • If working from home, students must ensure all patient information is de-identified. Maintaining confidentiality is of utmost importance.
  • ensure seamless handover of any outstanding patient care or professional activities that must be completed in person during their absence.
  • set up times to debrief throughout the period with their preceptor (ideally daily), to ensure both parties remain engaged in the placement and so the preceptor can assess demonstration of the associated competencies related to the students’ off-site activities.
  • utilize the PharmD Student Activity Tracking Log (found in the CORE Document Library) to track all off-site activities, time spent on them, and notes about how these activities demonstrate the associated competencies.
  • maintain the regular work hours of the preceptor and site and be available via email or telephone during those hours.
  • update their preceptor on a daily basis regarding their status in returning to site.
  • email the EL Office to notify them of return to site.

If a student is sick and not well enough to work from home, they must:

  • connect with their preceptor as soon as possible to advise them if they are not going to be on site that day. 
  • submit their absence(s) daily in CORE.
  • take time to rest and recuperate.
  • seek medical attention as required.
  • make the preceptor aware they are not well enough to work from home and set the expectation that they will be unavailable for the day.
  • ensure seamless handover of any outstanding patient care or professional activities that must be completed in person during their absence.
  • update the preceptor on a daily basis regarding their status in resuming off-site activities or returning to site.
  • email the EL Office to notify them of return to site.
  • upon returning to site, discuss with their preceptor(s) and agree upon a plan to make up the missed time (if more than the excusable absense time allotted) before the end of the rotation.

If a student requires compassionate leave, they should:

  • connect with the EL Office as soon as possible to advise that they will be off site, including an anticipated duration of time away from site if known.
  • if able, make the preceptor aware they will be off site and handover any outstanding patient care or professional activities that must be completed in person during their absence.*
  • take time to care for self, including seeking resources and connecting with the EL Office for additional support if needed.
  • continue to engage, as able, in communication with the EL Office for wellness check-ins.

*Depending on the nature of the student's circumstance, if provided, the EL Office may use reasonable discretion to intervene and take responsibility to notify the preceptor of the student's absence. 

When the student returns to site, they must:

  • email the EL Office to notify them of return to site.
  • complete a Student Declaration of Absence form. 
  • submit their absence(s) in CORE, documenting all days they were absent (attach the Student Declaration of Absence form).
  • discuss with their preceptor(s) and agree upon a plan to make up the missed time (if more than the excusable absense time allotted) before the end of the rotation.

If a student wishes to attend a professional development opportunity external to the rotation, they must:

  • first, email the EL Office to inquire if the proposed opportunity is eligible to be an excused absence, including details about:
    • how the professional development opportunity is relevant to the current rotation
    • specific days that the student will be off site
  • if approved by the EL Office, discuss with their preceptor/instructor the following considerations*:
    • if the absence is feasible within the placement schedule and is not disruptive to patient care
    • how the professional development opportunity is relevant to application of new knowledge or skill in the current rotation
    • how the student will share applicable learning from the opportunity when returning to site
    • arrangements can be made to make up missed time (if more than the excused time)
  • complete a Student Declaration of Absence form. 
  • pre-emptively submit their intended absence(s) in CORE (attach the Student Declaration of Absence form).

When a student has been granted an approved absence for professional development, they must:

  • ensure seamless handover of any outstanding patient care or professional activities that must be completed in person during their absence.
  • utilize the PharmD Student Activity Tracking Log (found in the CORE Document Library) to track activities at the professional development opportunity, time spent on them, and notes about how these activities demonstrate the associated competencies.

*Important Note: Students are reminded to carefully consider whether or not time away from the rotation site may negatively impact their ability to demonstrate and achieve the minimum expected level with the time remaining in the rotation and, if so, consider forgoing the opportunity to prioritize their attempt to successfully complete the rotation.

The preceptor may deny a request for professional development opportunities should the standard of care to patients or practice site be negatively affected by the absence of the student, or it is anticipated that the time missed will impact the student’s ability to complete the placement successfully.

Absences from Immersions

All absences from PHAR 188 and PHAR 288 immersions must be made up on a rescheduled date as successful completion of each immersion is a course requirement. Absences from PHAR 388 group meetings can be internally rescheduled within the student's group.

Immersions are not to be rescheduled due to conflicts with students' other academic priorities (e.g., midterms, assignments, lab reports, etc.). All students must keep their originally scheduled immersion time unless they are ill or requiring compassionate leave.

Procedure for Absences from Immersions

If a student will be absent from a scheduled PHAR 188 or PHAR 288 immersion due to illness or compassionate leave, they must:

  • connect with their preceptor as soon as possible to advise them if they are not going to be on site that day. 
  • submit their absence(s) in CORE.
  • follow the course-specific directions in the absence log in CORE to reschedule the missed immersion.

Absences from Service Learning

It is expected that students keep their original scheduling commitments to the Community Based Organization as best as possible, remembering that other individuals are often relying on them to be present as scheduled. If students must reschedule a previously-commited volunteer shift, they are encouraged to manage rescheduling with the coordinator/supervisor at their site. Students must complete the required number of hours before the deadline per the course syllabus.

Procedure for Absences from Service Learning

If a student will be absent from a scheduled service learning volunteer shift, they must:

  • connect with their coordinator and/or supervisor as soon as possible to advise them if they are not going to be on site that day. 
  • reschedule their volunteer shift according to site procedures.

Absences from EL Orientations, Workshops, etc.

Students are expected to attend EL orientations, workshops, seminars, and other sessions as scheduled by the EL Office as these sessions are designed to prepare students for upcoming EL placements and offer students the opportunity to clarify information provided.

Procedure for Absences from EL Sessions

If a student will be absent from an EL orientation, workshop, or other scheduled sessions, they must:

  • connect with the EL Office to make alternative arrangements.
  • complete a Student Declaration of Absence form.
  • submit their absence(s) in CORE (attach the Student Declaration of Absence form).

Student Declaration of Absence Form

A Student Declaration of Absence form is required to be submitted by students in CORE in certain circumstances, per the procedures above. 

The form can be downloaded from the College of Pharmacy and Nutrition's Policy Related Documents page here.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are several reasons it is important that students let the EL Office know when they are off site.

Firstly, the EL Office holds the responsiblity of ensuring students are safe and well during EL courses. When students are off site and unaccounted for by the EL Office, it raises liability concerns. In the case of an emergency, we need to know where students are.

Secondly, letting the EL Office know when you are off site enables us to ensure that you have appropriate resources offered to you in a timely manner, whether that is to ensure you have the necessary tools to complete meaningful and productive tasks if working from home or to ensure you are connected with support services to help you navigate challenging times. 

Thirdly, letting the EL Office know when you are off site helps us help preceptors. Sometimes, preceptors are not sure what procedures to follow when an unforeseen event comes up during the rotation. When a student is off site, we connect with preceptors to ensure they feel equipped to support the student remotely and continue to provide fair and timely assessment and evaluation. 

Ultimately, the EL Office team cares about students and we want to do all we can to support your success and wellbeing. Without knowing what is going on, the supports we can provide are limited. Please keep us in the loop so we can help you and your preceptors.

In the case a student in an IPPE or APPE rotation attends a medical appointment during excused absence time for acute illness, they do not have to make up that time so long as it falls within the parameters in the Excusable Absences from IPPE and APPE Rotations table above.

Routine, scheduled medical appointments (e.g., physical exams, dental cleanings, optometrist check-ups, physiotherapy appointments, etc.) do not fall under excusable absenses. These types of appointments should be arranged outside of scheduled placement time. Students with approved AES accommodations related to medical appointments are eligible to attend appointments during placement time per their accommodation plan, but the missed time must still be made up.

We recognize that some medical appointments (e.g., specialist consults, imaging/testing/procedures, etc.) come up and cannot be easily rescheduled. If a student must take time away from the placement for these appointments, this time is required to be made up. If a student is scheduled for a procedure or surgery that will require them to be away for an extended time, they should contact the EL Office to discuss their unique circumstance.

Religious observances are not considered excusable absences in EL. Students are encouraged to apply for accommodations through Access and Equity Services (AES) if they intend to observe religious holidays, ceremonies, events, etc. that coincide with potential upcoming EL placement dates. The EL Office will consider approved AES accommodations in scheduling students' placements.

AES accommodations are not retroactive, so students must arrange with AES prior to the EL Office's placement scheduling process. Accommodations, of any kind, do not exempt students from completing the required placement hours and meeting the same expectations as others.

This does not mean that you cannot take time away from the site if you so choose to, however, it does mean that time needs to be made up. We encourage students to consider and assess whether time away from the placement would have any potential impact on their abilities to demonstrate the expected level of achievement in all competencies required. Students will have to discuss, propose, and approve a plan with their preceptor(s) early in the placement as to whether it is feasible to facilitate in the rotation and how missed time will be made up.

When a student is absent due to illness, it is up to them to use their discretion to determine if they are well enough to work from home. Being able to recognize and respond to self and colleagues in need is an important educational outcome of the PharmD program and a professional skill that is expected of pharmacists throughout their career. A student should question if they are able to maintain a comparable level of productivity at home as they would on site given their illness. If yes, they may work from home provided that the considerations in the procedures have been discussed and agreed upon with their preceptor(s). When students need to rest and recouperate, they should focus on getting well rather than working. If extended time away from site is required to recover, students should reach out to the EL Office to have a discussion about the overall impact on rotation completion.

Yes, if a student is ill for only part of a day, the hours worked on site or at home can be counted toward the required rotation hours and do not have to be made up. Students should rest as needed when at home will illness, but must communicate their plans to be working or not with their preceptor(s).

These activities should be negotiated between students and preceptors. The student is expected to propose a plan to their preceptor who is ultimately responsible for deeming an activity appropriate for off-site work or not. Some examples include:

  • working on de-identified care plans*
  • completing de-identified drug information questions*
  • participating in virtual discussions or meetings with site staff and/or other students
  • developing presentations (e.g., patient case presentations, pharmacotherapy updates, health advocacy projects, etc.)
  • working on projects (e.g., patient resources, prescriber tools, etc.)

*Emphasis is placed on tasks and activities related to patient care and other timely deliverables. All information brought home by the student should be cleared of identifying patient information. Students should be following confidentiality procedures and policies regarding transmission of information by email and other electronic communications.

Students and preceptors should identify how the activities completed at home will contribute to the student's demonstration of meeting the required expectations for outstanding competencies in the evaluation form. For example, if a student has been struggling to demonstrate expectatations for competencies under the Providing Care domain, they should be focusing on activities that demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to identify drug therapy problems, compare therapeutic alternative, etc. rather than spending their time working on a presentation unrelated to direct patient care.

If the student is unable to return from leave to the site in-person, any required evaluations will occur virtually and will be documented and submitted in CORE by both the student and preceptor. Achievement of course outcomes will be determined on an individual basis. The student may need to complete additional hours on site or at an alternate site, or repeat the placement.

Each situation will be different, but effort will be made to ensure completion of the original placement within the scheduled timeframe.

In emergency or crisis situations, students and preceptors should use their discretion to contact emergency response (e.g., 911, 988 Suicide Crisis Helpline, local crisis support lines, etc.) before reaching out to the EL Office.

The EL Office team monitors emails received by and phone lines Monday through Friday from 8:30AM to 4:30PM, except for when the University of Saskatchewan is closed at the end of December. If a student or preceptor reaches out outside of those hours, it is possible that a response will not be provided until someone returns to the office. 

During crises and unforeseen life events, such as experiencing the death of a loved one, we know it may be challenging or even impossible to reach out. If possible, ask someone else to email or (306) 966-6337.

It is important that students develop professional development and continuous lifelong learning skills during the PharmD program. The APPE year (i.e., Year 4) provides students the opportunity to direct their learning over the course of the year, from setting personal learning objectives and SMART goals for each rotation to identifying and seeking out additional opportunities for self-directed learning outside of rotations. Students are provided up to two (2) excused absence days for professional development in their APPE year to practice these skills.

As IPPE rotations are only four weeks long, there is simply not enough time in the rotation to excuse absences for professional development while ensuring that students have adequate time to practice and demonstrate all required competencies. IPPE students are encouraged to seek out additional professional development opportunities, but should pursue them outside of the scheduled rotation hours.

Often, there are mutiple preceptors at one site. Even if a formal co-preceptor has not been named at the site, another person may be designated by the preceptor to oversee the student in periods of temporary absence of the primary preceptor. Ideally, the primary preceptor will be able to handover supervision and set expectations with the designated individual. Preceptors, co-preceptors, and/or their designate should contact the EL Office as soon as possible in these instances. Students should never be left unsupervised. 

If the preceptor is sick and off site for an extended time and the site cannot continue to host the placement in their absence, the pharmacy manager/preceptor will notify the EL Office to determine next steps and discuss the plan for coverage or re-assignment based on the situation. All decisions related to cancellation of placements will be communicated to students by the EL Office. Evaluations to-date (if applicable) will be documented and submitted in CORE by the preceptor.

While the College supports students in pursuing additional opportunities, participation in EL placements, including full attendance and completion of hours is a mandatory component for successful completion of the program. Students must ensure the commitment for successful completion of an EL rotation should not be compromised by other obligations. Participation in other opportunities does not excuse a student from an EL placement, nor course expectations.  

Students with special circumstances such as athletes, both Huskie and non-Huskie elite teams, those completing the joint PharmD/MBA degree program, or members of the Canadian Armed Forces are advised to speak directly with the EL Office regarding their personal circumstances.