Preceptor of the Year (2022-23)

Congratulations to Mike Shotter, Senior Pharmacist at Cypress Regional Hospital!

“Mike gave us the freedom to take more control of our own learning…It made us the facilitators of our own education.”

- Nicholas Helson and Makinley Okraincee (PharmD Students, Class of 2024)

headshot of Mike Shotter

That kind of feedback is music to the ears of experiential learning educators, and what PharmD students, Nicholas Helson and Makinley Okraincee, had to say about their PHAR 285: Introductory Hospital Pharmacy Practice Experience (IPPE) preceptor, Mike Shotter (BSP ‘00, PharmD ‘09), when they nominated him for the 2022-2023 Preceptor of the Year Award.

While the Manager of Pharmacy Services for Integrated Rural Health SW 4 & 5, Chelsey Burnett, says that Mike jumped into the primary preceptor role at CRH somewhat unexpectedly last year, Mike says that his whole career has been leading him to preceptorship: “As I’ve been here longer and longer, I’ve been more relied on to guide and mentor. The progression to preceptorship and mentorship has been on the same line as my career.”

In his role as a senior pharmacist at Cypress Regional Hospital (CRH), Mike actively participates in family physician hospital rounds, ICU rounds, interdisciplinary rounds, ED deployment and multiple outpatient services, while also remotely supporting four other community hospitals in southwest Saskatchewan.

Nicholas and Makinley felt that it wasn’t just clinical learning opportunities presented by Mike in these practice areas that made the rotation so enriching, but that he modelled what pharmacy excellence looks like: “Beyond guiding us through our rotation tasks, Mike did an excellent job at modelling for us what a good hospital pharmacist should look like. He is extremely personable and approachable, and this is evident in his rapport with other health care professionals here at CRH.” Chelsey says, “He is easy to talk to and engage with, which was noticed by the students in their interactions with him and with other healthcare professionals.

When asked what he likes more about precepting, Mike said, “Getting a new perspective from new learners is rewarding. It’s a two-way street. I can teach them old tricks and they can teach me new tricks.” He recognizes the impact he has on helping PharmD consider hospital pharmacy as a career path, saying “It’s nice to see you’re making a difference. I find that when students come to the hospital, they aren’t sure what to expect. I get to see the gradual transfer from not considering hospital pharmacy as a career path to ‘this isn’t so bad’ to I’m now considering if I want to do this for a career.”. As a manager, Chelsey sees the value in having students precepted by exemplary pharmacists in rural hospital. “It is always encouraging to hear that our students have had positive rotations, both for hospital pharmacy practice and for rural sites where recruitment and retention can be a challenge.

Mike expressed how humbled he is to have been nominated by the first two IPPE students under his primary preceptorship at CRH, saying “You don’t do it to get awarded...It’s beneficial for both of our learning.”.

Congratulations to Mike, Chelsey, and the rest of the Pharmacy Department at CRH on this accomplishment. The PharmD EL Program values all preceptors and is honoured to be able to recognize outstanding educators with this annual award.