Preparing for Your Visit

We are currently offering virtual and in-person visits.
Virtual visits may take place over the telephone or using Webex videocall software. You will be asked your preference for visit type when booking your first appointment, and are welcome to let us know at any time if you would like to change how you would like to connect with us.
In Person Appointments
Driving directions to the MAC
You can find our address along with driving and parking directions on our contact us page.
Virtual Appointments
We are happy to also offer virtual appointments either via Webex videoconferencing or via telephone.
See our 'Virtual visit fact sheet' below to learn more about what to expect if you plan to connect for your appointment over videoconference or telephone.
Preparing for Your Appointment
Medication Clinic
Please have your medications (bottles, bubble packs, or a detailed list – including supplements, herbals, nasal sprays, eye drops, and medicated lotions) with you during your appointment.
You may also wish to come with a specific list of written questions or topics you might like to discuss with the MAC pharmacist.
USask Chronic Pain Clinic
Please spend some time completing our two-part questionnaire about your pain before your first appointment. Each part will take about 20 minutes of your time.
Answering these questions beforehand will provide our clinical team with the information they need in order to provide you with the best care.
Your responses are protected by privacy laws. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Sleep Clinic
Please spend some time completing our sleep concerns questionnaire before your first appointment. It should take no more than 10-15 minutes of your time.
Answering these questions beforehand will provide your pharmacist with the information they need in order to provide you with the best care.
Your responses are protected by privacy laws. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.