Accessible Pharmacies: Understanding Disability and Creating Inclusive Spaces

Accessible Pharmacies: Understanding Disability and Creating Inclusive Spaces is designed to introduce you to concepts related to disability equity and to give you resources to ensure the pharmacy you work in is accessible and inviting to your disabled patients and colleagues. This course will cover:

  • Your legal responsibilities to disabled patients
  • Tools to approach physical and communication accommodations with patients
  • Language to use to discuss and describe disability

Accessible Pharmacies: Understanding Disability and Creating Inclusive Spaces is USask CPE accredited for 2.0 CEUs.

Target Audience: pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and other allied healthcare professionals

Registration Fee: $40.00 +GST (promotional price, price will increase to $70.00 +GST starting June 1st, 2024)

Billing In Community Pharmacy

This course is designed to improve your knowledge of the provincial prescription coverage available in Saskatchewan, as well as to provide information on available federal and third-party insurance plans. This course will also help you navigate a patient's options for prescription coverage including the following topics:

  • Provincial extended benefits
  • Coordination of benefits
  • Common billing issues

Online course

Billing in Community Pharmacy is USask CPE accredited for 2.0 CEUs.

Target Audience: pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and students

Registration Fee: $15.00 +GST

Buprenorphine Extended-Release Subcutaneous Injection Course

This self-directed, online module on buprenorphine extended-release subcutaneous injection (SUBCLOCADE®) was created by USask Continuing Pharmacy Education (CPE) College of Pharmacy and Nutrition, University of Saskatchewan with support from BC Centre on Substance Use (BCCSU) and funding from the Government of Canada’s Emergency Treatment Fund.

This course covers everything needed to know about the use of buprenorphine extended-release subcutaneous injection in opioid agonist therapy as well as dispensing and administration procedures. Several case scenarios are also discussed, allowing learners to apply their new knowledge.

Buprenorphine Extended-Release Subcutaneous Injection is USask CPE accredited for 2.0 CEUs.

Registration Fee: Free (via funding from the Government of Canada’s Emergency Treatment Fund)

Community Pharmacy Manager Course

The Community Pharmacy Manager Course will support managers to identify the knowledge and skills needed to operate a community pharmacy in compliance with legislation, regulations and standards while promoting a culture of patient safety, and ensuring adequate pharmacy resources for quality patient care and services.

Self-directed online course

Community Pharmacy Manager course is CCCEP accredited for 25 CEUs.

Target Audience: Current Community Pharmacy Managers, however, the course is available to anyone.

Registration Fee:

  • Saskatchewan Residents: $430.00
  • Out of Province Residents: $630.00

* Note: Existing Pharmacy Managers must completed this course before April 30, 2023

Course Info and Learning Objectives

COMPASS Continuous Quality Improvement Coordinator Training

Course Details

The COMPASS Continuous Quality Improvement Coordinator Training provides an overview of COMPASS and SCPP bylaw requirements.

Learners will review the ISMP Canada Community Pharmacy Incident Reporting (CPhIR) platform, the Medication Safety Self-Assessment (MSSA) tool, and the CPhIR Quality Improvement tool. Additionally, participants will be able to develop and monitor a Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) plan using appropriate quality improvement (QI) tools upon course completion. This course is mandatory for all CQI Coordinators. 

Audience: Saskatchewan community pharmacy professionals (mandatory for CQI Coordinators)

Registration Fee: $145.00 + GST

Accreditation: This course is accredited by USask CPE for 3.0 CEUs

Learning Objectives

  1. Discuss the purpose of the Community Pharmacy Professionals Advancing Safety in Saskatchewan (COMPASS) program. 
  2. Demonstrate the requirements for the Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) program that meets the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals (SCPP) bylaw requirements.
  3. Document and analyze medication incidents using the Community Pharmacy Incident Reporting (CPhIR) platform.
  4. Complete the Medication Safety Self-Assessment (MSSA) and identify and develop MSSA improvement initiatives.
  5. Examine the components of a continuous quality improvement (CQI) plan and how to develop and monitor a CQI plan using appropriate quality improvement (QI) tools. 
  6. Implement, assess, and maintain continuous quality improvement (CQI) strategies in community pharmacy.

CompEX Q&A Webinar (Recorded Version)



June 15, 2022 recorded webinar

For older versions of the webinar, or for more information, visit the SCPP Compex - Compounding Excellence Page.

Learning Project Record

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Safety Module

Completion of this module is mandatory for the 2023-24 licence renewal year for all practising and non-practising pharmacists and pharmacy technicians. It is also mandatory for all new licensees. The module takes approximately four (4) hours to complete.

This self directed online module consists of two parts that will review fundamental concepts of equity, diversity, and inclusion with a focus on Indigenous wellness. The first part will be an interactive module that will provide an overview of the theoretical basis to equity, diversity, and inclusion and opportunities for both personal and professional reflection. The second part will be a presentation on Indigenous wellness that will explore cultural safety and humility and provide you with strategies to ensure culturally safe environments for Indigenous patients.

This is an online learning course with recorded videos. Course information.

Target audience: All pharmacy professionals and allied health care members. 

USask CPE Accreditation: 4.0 CEUs

Registration fee: $40.00 + GST 

Online Resources for Pharmacists Part 1: SHIRP and U of S

This program is presented by Carmen Bell.

Online course

Online Resources for Pharmacists Part 1: SHIRP and U of S is accredited by USask CPE for 0.5 CEU.

Target Audience: pharmacists and pharmacy technicians

Registration Fee: $18.50 + GST

Partnership to Assist with Cessation of Tobacco (PACT)

USask CPE is hosting this course for the Pharmacy Association of Saskatchewan (PAS).  The PACT program supports Tobacco Cessation minor ailment prescribing, but this PACT course is NOT the training program for prescribing. You do not need to be PACT trained to prescribe tobacco cessation products. The training is USask CPE accredited and is free of charge to all Saskatchewan pharmacists and pharmacy students.

Modules include:

  1. PACT Level 1 (Mandatory for pharmacists to bill services to drug plan) - 3.0 CEUs
  2. PACT Level 2 - 1.25 CEUs
  3. Tobacco Cessation in the Oncology Setting Module - 1.0 CEU
  4. Indigenous Tobacco Cessation Module - 1.0 CEU

Registration fee (out of province pharmacists/other health professionals):  $99.00 + GST

Note: The PACT Oncology Module is for healthcare providers who are working with oncology patients. This module was created in partnership with The Saskatchewan Cancer Agency (SCA) and CPAC.

For any SCA staff who wish to take only the Oncology Module, please email the PAS Office and then register for the separate module below. 

PharmaZzz: Non-Medication Therapy for Insomnia

PharmaZzz is a program for pharmacists to help patients improve their sleep and stop or reduce the use of hypnotic medication. 

Online course

PharmaZzz is USask CPE accredited for 5.0 CEUs.

Target Audience: pharmacists

Registration Fee: $280.00 +GST

Course Info

Prescriptive Authority Level 1 Basics

This is a mandatory course for all pharmacists practicing in Saskatchewan. For more information, please see the SCPP bylaws. All new registrants must meet these requirements before being granted their initial license to practice.

Online course

Prescriptive Authority Level 1 Basics is accredited by USask CPE for 2.5 CEUs.

Registration: $155.00 + GST

Privacy Officer Certification/Recertification

Note: The Privacy Officer Course is currently being updated to to reflect new HIPA changes. Registration for the course is currently on hold. If you register for the course, you will be enrolled once the updates are complete.

This program has been developed to ensure privacy officers (participants) understand their obligations and responsibilities under PIPEDA and HIPA.  This course now comprises much updated information to the training on special issues that have arisen since the first training sessions were presented.  The course is accredited by USask CPE for 4.0 CEUs. See Course Information.

Registration Fee: $175.00 + GST

Tobacco Cessation in the Oncology Setting Module-PACT

Note: The PACT Oncology Module is for healthcare providers who are working with oncology patients, and are employees of the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency. This module was created in partnership with The Saskatchewan Cancer Agency (SCA) and CPAC.

For any SCA staff who wish to take only the Oncology Module, please email the PAS Office and then register below. 


Tuberculosis Prevention and Control in Saskatchewan: An overview for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians.

Estimated 30 min reading time. 

Non-accredited learning. 

Registration Fee:  Free!

Tuberculosis Resources