EDI Continuing Education Resources

This page is a living document that includes a variety of resources to help expand your learning and knowledge about topics that are important to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI).

For Saskatchewan pharmacy professionals, record your non-accredited learning activities on the SCPP Professional Development Log. Please visit the SCPP Competency Assurance Program website for more information.

"Stolen", Provided by Gimlet Podcasts

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: Approximately 10 hour series
  • Content Description:
    • An arresting blend of family history and investigative journalism, the podcast ventures far beyond the findings of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, dissolved in 2015, to pull together a new basis for the historical record. For its tenacious reporting and continued commitment to recognizing the full history of the Indigenous community, Stolen: Surviving St. Michael’s wins a Peabody Award. **trigger warning sexual, physical, child abuse**
  • Curation Notes from the USask CPE Team: Essential listening for residents of Saskatchewan to understand the longstanding impacts of residential schools on Indigenous people in the province. 

"Indigenous Canada", Provided by the University of Alberta

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: Online, 12 weeks of study, 2-3 hours/week.
  • Content Description: Follows an indigenous perspective and explores key issues facing indigenous peoples from a historical and critical perspective
  • Curation Notes from the USask CPE Team: Not directed at HCP. This is an intensive, in-depth course and could be suggested for personal learning.

"Core San'yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Health Training", Provided by the San'yas Indigenous Cultural Safety Training Program

  • Cost: $300.00
  • Time Estimate: 8-10 hours to complete
  • Content Description: This content focuses on improved access to health services for Indigenous peoples. It is most useful for non-indigenous health professionals. 
  • Curation Notes from the USask CPE Team: This course is referenced in several places in every province as the gold-standard. Some content is outdated.

National Indigenous Cultural Safety Webinar Videos, BC Provincial Health Services Authority (Indigenous Health)

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: Online, 13 webinars running approximately 1 hour each
  • Content Description: Webinars focus on knowledge sharing with the aim of improving indigenous cultural safety
  • Curation Notes from the USask CPE Team: Easy to access and are really applicable, could just choose ones applicable to health care, although some are a few years old.

"Anti-Racism Learning Series", Provided by the Government of Canada, School of Public Service

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: There are 3 separate courses, each course varies in length
  • Content Description: This course is designed for employees in federal public service. It was specifically designed in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission 
  • Curation Notes from the USask CPE Team: Not directed at HCP and may only be for federal public service employees.

"Literature Review: Embedding Cultural Safety in Pharmacy Education and Assessments", Provided by the Australian Pharmacy Council 

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: This is a 72 page literature review with key findings presented in a 20 minute video
  • Content Description: Investigates indigenous health curriculum and educational initiatives to improve indigenous health

"Indigenous Relationships and Cultural Awareness", Provided by Cancer Care Ontario

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: There are 13 courses that are relevant to all Canadian Physicians
  • Content Description: Designed to help physicians provide culturally appropriate and person centered care
  • Curation Notes from the USask CPE Team: 13 modules total, could recommend not doing those that are Ontario and/or cancer specific

"Indigenous Health: What You Should Know About Being a Culturally Safe Physician", Provided by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons

  • Cost: Free
  • Content Description:
    • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, material developed by the Indigenous Health Committee
    • A good resource for all Canadian Physicians
    • Includes foundational readings on Indigenous health and cultural safety during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Curation Notes from the USask CPE Team: High-level articles with some self-reflection.

"In Plain Sight Summary Report", Provided by the Minister of Health, Independent Investigation

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: 74 page PDF
  • Content Description: 
    • Investigates systemic anti-Indigenous racism in BC
    • This document covers important colonial history and uses it to add context to modern health care discrimination

"The Unforgotten", Provided by the Canadian Medical Association

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: A 33 minute film and a 28 page tool kit
  • Content Description: 
    • This was created by BUILD (Films and Networked Health) and funded by the CMA
    • The film and a tool kit work together to explore anti-Indigenous racism in Canada

"Culturally Connected", Provided by Population Health Promotion, BC Women's Hospital

  • Cost: Free
  • Content Description: 
    • Website with robust resources, tools, and case examples (includes: videos and references)
    • Aims to improve cultural literacy and cultural humility

"Providing Culturally Safe Care for Indigenous Children and Youth", Provided by Pedagogy

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: Approx. 3 hours
  • Content Description: This module examines key aspects of culturally safe care for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis children, youth, and families, and how culturally safe care for Indigenous Peoples is practiced. It explores related influences such as historical factors, social determinants of Indigenous health, and power imbalances that affect patient-practitioner interactions with Indigenous people within health care settings. The module also explores systemic inequities, such as racism, that act as barriers to accessing health care. Upon completion of this learning module, learners will have a better understanding of why culturally safe care is necessary and important for improving the health status of Indigenous people and communities.
  • Curated Notes for USask CPE Team: Enjoyable with meaningful examples and practical tips for culturally safe care.

"What Every Health Researcher Needs to Know About Health Equity: Privilege, Oppression and Allyship", Provided by the Centre for Healthcare Innovation Grand Rounds

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: 1 hour video
  • Content Description: 
    • Video aims to explore concepts of privilege and oppression and their relationship to health equity
    • The video examines how to apply principles of allyship to one's own life, work, and advocacy.

"Unconscious Bias: From Awareness to Action", Provided by edX

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: 3 week course (1-2 hours per week), self-paced
  • Content Description: Builds awareness about unconscious bias and its impacts and how to take action to manage Bias

"Unconscious Bias in Medicine", Provided by edX, Sponsored by Stanford University School of Medicine

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: 1 week (1-2 hours per week), self-paced.
  • Content Description: Objective is to understand unconscious bias in everyday interactions and learn techniques to use in a medical or academic environment

"Understanding Stigma", Provided by CAMH

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: 3-6 hour course
  • Content Description: 
    • This course is applicable for all Healthcare providers and frontline clinicians
    • The course focuses on the impacts of mental health on stigma and tools to address stigma in healthcare environments.

"Pride in Pharmacy", Provided by Pride Practice (UK)

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: 57 slides
  • Content Description: Learn about LGBTQ+ identities and become more confident using open language and considering how to make pharmacies more inclusive

"Intersectionality and Knowledge Translation", Provided by the Knowledge Translation Program 

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: Includes a wide range of tools and resources that vary in length
  • Content Description: Resource comes with education and training on knowledge translation and comes with models, theories, and frameworks to support analysis.

"Smashing Stigma: LGBT2SQ+ Engagement in Pharmacy Practice", Provided by the Canadian Pharmacists Association 

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: Includes a wide range of tools and resources that vary in length
  • Content Description: 
    • Website resource includes poster to place in pharmacy, tools to create an inclusive pharmacy space, and tips on LGBT2SQ+ friendly language
    • There is a downloadable webinar which covers these concepts, and an available slide deck

"Pharmacy Quick Reference Guide to Gender Affirming Care in Saskatchewan", Provided by University of Saskatchewan 3rd Year PharmD Student Project

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: 20 pages
  • Content Description: 
    • The goal of this quick guide (complied by 3rd year pharmacy students at the University of Saskatchewan) is to provide pharmacy professionals with the resources and knowledge to better support their 2STNBGN (Two Spirit, Trans, non-binary and gender non-conforming) patients, with a specific focus on hormone therapy and other medications used in gender-affirming care.
  • Feedback: Questions, recommendations and feedback about this guide can be directed to Kaitlin Ehrhardt at kle346@mail.usask.ca 

"Practice Development Resources: Patient Populations", Provided by the Canadian Pharmacists Association

  • Cost: Free
  • Time Estimate: Includes a wide range of tools and resources that vary in length
  • Content Description: 
    • Resources on this page include those tailored for the specific medication management needs of different patient populations, including 2SLGBTQIA+ patients, racialized patients, Indigenous patients, women, the elderly, and other specific groups. Diversity and inclusion, among patients and within the profession, is also featured.
    • These resources include a variety of webinars, videos, and tool sets.

For Saskatchewan pharmacy professionals: All practising members must annually select and complete learning of their choice from within the person-centered framework. Learning directed toward one of the concepts included in the person-centered framework from within the themes of Harm Reduction, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Cultural Safety, or Indigenous Learning must be documented in your PDL to satisfy this requirement. There are no set hours or continuing education units required. Here are the USask CPE opportunities that meet this requirement:

Disclaimer: The content on this site is for information and educational purposes ONLY. The mention of a website on this site DOES NOT imply any endorsement by USask CPE. USask CPE does not endorse any organization, product or therapy.

If you have any problems with the quality, etc. of CE that has been posted on this webpage please email cpe.admin@usask.ca or call 306-966-6350.