Disease Prevention and Travel Health Services

Travel Health

Registration Fees:

Register for VPD and Low-Risk Travel Health
  1. Vaccine Preventable Disease Training
    • $95.00 + GST
  2. Low-Risk Traveller/Destination Travel Health Training (includes Vaccine Preventable Disease Training) 
    • $150.00 + GST
  3. Moderate- to High-Risk Travel Health Training (includes Vaccine Preventable Disease Training and Low-Risk Traveller/Destination Travel Health Training) - Pharmacist must have ISTM (International Society of Travel Medicine) Certification in Travel Health (Certified Travel Health Destination):
    • $100.00 + GST (pharmacist has completed Low-Risk Traveller/Destination Travel Health Training)
    • $200.00 + GST (pharmacist has not completed Low-Risk Traveller/Destination Travel Health Training)

Do You Know?

  • How and when to direct patients to public health or to an ISTM certified practitioner?
  • How to manage a patient with a chronic disease who is traveling abroad?
  • When to prescribe for traveler’s diarrhea?

USask CPE training will help you navigate vaccine and travel health prescribing.

This image describes the kinds of travel prescribing and vaccine preventable disease prescribing. The same descriptions can be found in text below.


Guideline and Implementation Training

This training is strongly recommended before the implementation of vaccine prescribing and provision of travel health services in your practice.

This USask CPE training will focus on the process for implementing vaccine prescribing or travel health services. The training will be presented by Certified Travel Health pharmacists in SK and USask CPE/medSask. The medSask prescribing guidelines and forms are less detailed, but more complex then previous minor ailments guidelines. This training will also help with understanding the public vs private systems of vaccine immunization.

We will not be covering disease or vaccine specific therapeutics. You will gain that knowledge for travel health by taking the recommended online Travel Health Educator course listed below.

In order to provide travel health services for medium and high risk patients , you will require an ISTM Certified Travel Health designation.


  • Mary Fraser, Continuing Professional Development for Pharmacy Professionals
  • Kristjana Gudmundson, Pharmacy Association of Saskatchewan, ISTM Certified
  • Amy Damm & Sara Storle, ISTM Certified Travel Health Consultants
  • Dr. Tania Diener, Chief Medical Health Officer (MHO)


Target Audience

Additional Courses

Vaccine-Preventable Disease Training: Guideline and Implementation Training

Accredited by USask CPE for 3.5 CEUs

For pharmacists who will prescribe for vaccine-preventable diseases, but not offer travel health services.

 Not Applicable

Low-Risk Traveller/Destination Travel Health Training: Guideline and Implementation Training (4.0 CEUs)

Includes Vaccine-Preventable Disease Training (3.5 CEUs)

Accredited by USask CPE for a total of 7.5 CEUs

For pharmacists who will be offering travel health services for low-risk travellers to low-risk destinations.

It is strongly recommended that you also take the following course:

 BC Pharmacy Association 


Moderate- to High-Risk Travel Health Training: Guideline and Implementation Training (2.0 CEUs)

Pharmacist must have ISTM Designation

Includes Vaccine-Preventable Disease (3.5 CEUs and Low-Risk Traveller/Destination Travel Health Training (4.0 CEUs)

Accredited by USask CPE for a total of 9.5 CEUs.

For pharmacists who will be offering travel health services for moderate- to high-risk travellers to moderate- to high-risk destinations.

  Not Applicable

*The Travel Medicine Program online course is not a pre-requisite for the USask CPE Guideline and Implementation Training, but you will gain more from the USask CPE training if you have completed it.

USask CPE will issue a statement of completion once the BC Travel Medicine Program and USask CPE Training are both complete.

USask CPE Training Learning Outcomes

Vaccine Preventable Disease Training - Domestic Immunization
  1. Explain stakeholder involvement and interpret regulatory issues surrounding Public Health, physicians, client, and pharmacist’s roles and responsibilities for domestic vaccine-preventable disease immunizations
  2. Assess clients, make recommendations, and prescribe immunizations for domestic vaccine-preventable disease
  3. Document according to medSask guidelines for domestic vaccine-preventable disease immunization.
  4. Manage and document adverse effects of immunization according to Saskatchewan Public Health and Health Canada policies and procedures
  5. Discuss re-imbursement for prescribing and administering domestic vaccine-preventable disease immunizations

Low-Risk Traveller/Destination Travel Health Training

  1. Assess clients, make recommendations, and prescribe immunizations and medications for low risk travel
  2. Educate patients about disease prevention and health maintenance resources and provide supplementary information (e.g. handouts, apps)
  3. Document according to medSask guidelines low-risk travel prescribing
  4. Develop travel health operational policies for the pharmacy

 Moderate- to High-Risk Travel Health Training

  1. Assess clients, make recommendations, and prescribe immunizations for medium to high risk travel vaccines.
    • Explain informed consent to clients for prescribing and providing medium to high risk travel vaccines
    • Evaluate resources (including medSask guidelines) and provincial and national immunization schedules to conduct client assessment and prescribe vaccines for medium to high risk travel vaccines
    • Refer eligible clients to Public Health
    • Identify and refer “special-cases” clients to nurse practitioner or family physician
    • Conduct post-travel assessment, follow-up, and documentation when appropriate
  2. Educate patients about disease prevention and health maintenance resources and provide supplementary information (e.g. handouts, apps) for high-risk travel destinations and/or clients.
  3. Construct pharmacy documentation policies according to SCPP guidelines for medium to high risk travel related immunizations and physician/Public Health notification.
  4. Conduct an operational needs assessment to set up a pharmacy travel health practice.
  5. Review advanced travel based cases with chief Medical Health Officer (MHO) Dr. Tania Diener.

Contact USask CPE to register


Vaccine Administration Refresher Course

Do you want to take a refresher course on vaccine administration?  Check out the USask CPE Injection Training Website to register for a comprehensive, competency-based training on vaccine administration

High-Risk Travel Health and ISTM Certification

Only pharmacists who have been granted a Certificate in Travel Health by the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) may prescribe travel related vaccines and medications for moderate to high risk clients, activities and destinations. The ISTM Certificate in Travel Health™ is currently the only advanced Travel Health certification approved by the Saskatchewan College of Pharmacy Professionals (SCPP) allowing pharmacist prescribing for moderate to high risk travel.  
To receive the ISTM Certificate in Travel Health™, candidates must initially pass the Certificate of Knowledge™ Examination which is offered on an annual basis in conjunction with the Conference of the International Society of Travel Medicine (CISTM). The ISTM welcomes applications from all qualified professionals who provide travel medicine-related services on a full- or part-time basis. The exam is open to all licensed travel medicine professionals, including physicians, nurses, pharmacists and others.
For more information about ISTM Certificate in Travel Health™ and to register to write the exam, please click here.