Advanced Prescribing Program
The Advanced Prescribing B (APB) program is still under development. More information about the program will continue to be posted here as it becomes available.
About the APB Program
Advanced Prescribing B (APB) has been approved in principle by the SCPP Council (SCOPE, pg 15).
The continuing education program for Advanced Prescribing will enable licensed, practising pharmacists to become authorized to prescribe and manage medication for a variety of diagnosed chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), obesity, heart failure, and hypertension.
Program Launch Dates
The APB program will be launching in 2025. USask CPE will be soliciting applications towards the end of 2024. This webpage will be updated as more information becomes available.
APB Program Core Competencies
- Assess the patient and curate relevant patient data.
- Determine and justify viable patient-centred, evidence-based treatment options.
- Collaborate with the patient to reach a shared decision for a viable treatment option.
- Prepare the patient for successful implementation of the treatment plan.
- Monitor, evaluate, and review the patient's treatment.
- Follow the appropriate governance structures for advanced prescribing.
- Implement continuous improvement practices.